ourStoryNetwork / lp81-operations-platform

Discussions around the processes and coordination of the ourStory bMO Community
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2.7.0 Product Team Metadata v0.00 MVP #12

Open trainfarb opened 10 months ago

trainfarb commented 10 months ago

Article that defines the Product Platform's Onboarding Metadata:

PROVIDER https://leanconstruction.org/about/

trainfarb commented 10 months ago

https://www.fastcompany.com/1777018/meet-chief-platform-officer Article that defines the Product Platform's Onboarding Metadata:

trainfarb commented 10 months ago

FAMBAM 2.7.0 v0.00.00: Researching 7-Steps of Product Management

Starting at 1257cst Going for 30 minutes. Loom Video: FAMBAM 2.7.0 v0.00.00: Researching 7-Steps of Product Management Duration: 44 mins

awareness beat where I take notes on what I’m creating metadata for (Product Management) https://www.hotjar.com/product-management-101/process/

gr63v1shadow: Risk Analysis: Centralized Language & Education Institutions are a high risk for enslaving large populations through unconscious censorship (onboarding) and data manipulation (training).

gr63v2presence: Contingency Plan: ourStory (FAMBAM & hu3/lp0/ep0) is producing a decentralized messaging platform that empowers people to teach themselves and one another how to earn self-sovereignty. Creating a purpose centered product inspired by a vocation. Eckhart Tolle talking about flowers will represent a person who is successfully putting energy into their clearly defined purpose/vocation.

gr63v3willpower: Risk Mitigation Meeting: In this meeting, start off by creating the metadata for contributing to 2.7.1 platform (gr27v1ecology). Drawing from 7 step product management process article:

Next steps:

trainfarb commented 10 months ago

FAMBAM 2.7.0 v0.00.01: Finalize the dCPO Metadata Structure

6.3.0 Chief Marketing Office (dCMO)

(metadata for the marketing team’s focus for this meeting agenda) Playlist: ep0_daoTeaching Groove: gr27myJourney Song: 0.00 by Childish Gambino

6.3.1 Risk Analysis (gr63v1shadow)

Centralized Language & Education Institutions are a high risk for enslaving large populations through unconscious censorship (onboarding) and data manipulation (training).

6.3.2 Contingency Plan (gr63v2presence)

ourStory (FAMBAM & hu3/lp0/ep0) is producing a decentralized messaging platform that empowers people to teach themselves and one another how to earn self-sovereignty. Creating a purpose centered product inspired by a vocation. Eckhart Tolle talking about flowers will represent a person who is successfully putting energy into their clearly defined purpose/vocation.

6.3.3 Risk Mitigation Meeting (gr63v3willpower)

Create the v0.00 Metadata structure for an Open Source Platform Ecosystem’s Chief Product Office (dCPO)

2.7.0 Chief Product Office (dCPO) Metadata
gr27myJourney [finding the problem you want to solve]: 
  oS3Pi_CYTO [communication_channel]:
  144phiPi_MAMA [pain_points]:
  432ourPi_PAPA [problem_statement]:
  369myPi_YOGA [product_idea]:
gr81ourHome [questioning the problem and defining your vision for a solution]:
  oS3Pi_CYTO [questions]:
  144phiPi_MAMA [specific_question]:
  432ourPi_PAPA [general_solution]:
  369myPi_YOGA [product_abstract]:
gr72myHome [Testing possible solutions for value and feasibility]:
  oS3Pi_CYTO [solutions]:
  144phiPi_MAMA [specific_solution]:
  432ourPi_PAPA [wireframes]: 
  369myPi_YOGA [product_specification]:
gr63ourAwareness [Building a product roadmap]:
  oS3Pi_CYTO [chief operating office]:
  144phiPi_MAMA [responsibility_assignment_matrix]:
  432ourPi_PAPA [work_breakdown_structure]:
  369myPi_YOGA [roadmap]:
gr54ourConnection [Prioritizing product features and initiatives to achieve your goals]:
  oS3Pi_CYTO [chief financial office]: 
  144phiPi_MAMA [sponsor_pitch_deck]: 
  432ourPi_PAPA [partnership_agreement]: 
  369myPi_YOGA [proof-of-work_portfolio]: 
gr45myConnection [Building a minimum viable product (MVP) to test the value of your solution]:
  oS3Pi_CYTO [chief knowledge office]:
  144phiPi_MAMA [hypothesis]:
  432ourPi_PAPA [sources]:
  369myPi_YOGA [mvp_development]:
gr36ourJourney [Releasing the MVP, measuring success, and iterating based on feedback]:
  oS3Pi_CYTO [chief visionary office]:
  144phiPi_MAMA [release_mvp]:
  432ourPi_PAPA [collect_user_feedback]:
  369myPi_YOGA [evaluate_success]:

LOOM Video: FAMBAM 2.7.0 v0.00.01: Finalize the dCPO Metadata Structure Duration: 31 mins Next Steps: FAMBAM 2.7.0 v0.00.02: Populate Product Metadata

trainfarb commented 10 months ago

FAMBAM 2.7.0 v0.00.02: Productize Product Team Metadata

6.3.0 Chief Marketing Office (dCMO)

(metadata for the marketing team’s focus for this meeting agenda) Playlist: ep0_daoTeaching Groove: gr27myJourney Song: 0.00 by Childish Gambino Project: Event-Driven Conversation System Institution: Language

6.3.1 Risk Analysis (gr63v1shadow)

Centralized Language & Education Institutions are a high risk for enslaving large populations through unconscious censorship (onboarding) and data manipulation (training).

6.3.2 Contingency Plan (gr63v2presence)

ourStory (FAMBAM & hu3/lp0/ep0) is producing a decentralized messaging platform that empowers people to teach themselves and one another how to earn self-sovereignty. Creating a purpose centered product inspired by a vocation. Eckhart Tolle talking about flowers will represent a person who is successfully putting energy into their clearly defined purpose/vocation.

6.3.3 Risk Mitigation Meeting (gr63v3willpower)

Clean up metadata structure and provide platform responses from ourStory (FAMBAM, Nicole’s Magic, JR’s Joyous Creations, trainfarb)


2.7.0 Product Platform Team Metadata

LOOM Video: FAMBAM 2.7.0 v0.00.02: Productize Product Team Metadata Duration: 31 mins Next Steps: FAMBAM 2.7.0 v0.00.03: Publish Product Team Metadata v0.00 MVP

trainfarb commented 10 months ago

FAMBAM 2.7.0 v0.00.03: Finalize Product Team Metadata v0.00 MVP

6.3.0 Chief Marketing Office (dCMO)

(metadata for the marketing team’s focus for this meeting agenda) Playlist: ep0_daoTeaching Groove: gr27myJourney Song: 0.00 by Childish Gambino Project: Event-Driven Conversation System Institution: Language & Education

6.3.1 Risk Analysis (gr63v1shadow)

Our Problem Statement: Our [Centralized Language & Education Institutions], present a significant risk of, [censorship], [data manipulation], and [indoctrination].

6.3.2 Contingency Plan (gr63v2presence)

ourStory (FAMBAM & hu3/lp0/ep0) is producing a decentralized messaging platform that empowers people to teach themselves and one another how to earn self-sovereignty. Creating a purpose centered product inspired by a vocation. Eckhart Tolle talking about flowers will represent a person who is successfully putting energy into their clearly defined purpose/vocation.

6.3.3 Risk Mitigation Meeting (gr63v3willpower)

Round 00

trainfarb commented 10 months ago

ADVANCE to https://github.com/trainfarb/trainfarb/issues/52