ournetworks / 2018-submissions

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The hybrid step toward migrating to P2P: adding P2P backend to current centralized apps #10

Open ivilata opened 6 years ago

ivilata commented 6 years ago

The hybrid step toward migrating to P2P: adding P2P backend to current centralized apps


Currently, most websites and apps depend on centralized servers despite the limitations of this structure. Migration towards P2P architectures may be encouraged by solutions which support the current centralized paradigm while taking advantage of P2P architectures, making apps more resilient to interference and letting users' devices empower the underlying P2P network. For that reason we created Ouinet, a technology where an entire cooperative network helps serve HTTP requests using P2P routing and distributed cached responses, mitigating the single point of failure due to client apps not being able to connect to the server.

We will discuss the philosophy and design behind Ouinet, how we integrated various P2P technologies such as IPFS and I2P to achieve its objectives, and demonstrate how an alpha implementation can be integrated in Android apps to defy network interference while saving on server bandwidth and remote resources, as we shall also see during the sprints days.

Type: talk + demo
Length: 1 hour
Additional considerations: (none)

Session Objective

Material and Technical Requirements

Video projector, Wi-Fi connection.


Name: Ivan Vilata-i-Balaguer, vmon
Email: ivan@equalit.ie
Url(s): Ouinet
Twitter: (none)
GitHub: Ivan Vilata-i-Balaguer

Interested in attending the sprint July 16-18: Y
Interested in a community billet: N

Presenter Bio

Ivan Vilata-i-Balaguer is a member eQualitie, a company who develops open and reusable systems with a focus on privacy, online security, and information management. He works on the development of technologies enabling unfettered access to the World Wide Web for netizens operating in some of the most restrictive Internet environments.

The talk will be given by him and vmon, who will also be in charge of the coding sprint.