ournetworks / 2018-submissions

ARCHIVED--submissions for 2018 State of Our Networks have now closed, check out our full program online!
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Althea a more distributed ISP #14

Open jkilpatr opened 6 years ago

jkilpatr commented 6 years ago

Althea a more distributed ISP

Althea is a protocol that allows people to easily buy and sell bandwidth from each other.

Cover the design choices and philosophy of Alteha's mesh networking technology. As well as setup a basic mesh network on stage to show off.

Type: demo Length: 1 hour Additional considerations: power, willingness to let someone broadcast on 5ghz wifi bands

Session Objective

To demonstrate the Althea network protocol and espouse a pragmatic and profitable way to make the networks we use every day more decentralized.

Material and Technical Requirements

Projector (needed in the presentation room) A set of routers and antennas (self supplied)


Name: Justin Kilpatrick Email: justin@altheamesh.com Url(s): altheamesh.com Twitter: @altheamesh GitHub: https://github.com/althea-mesh/

Interested in attending the sprint July 16-18: Y Interested in a community billet: N

Presenter Bio

Justin Kilpatrick is cofoudner and CTO of Althea mesh, a linux and open source enthusiast.