ournetworks / 2018-submissions

ARCHIVED--submissions for 2018 State of Our Networks have now closed, check out our full program online!
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Wireless Toronto: workshop #2

Open gabesawhney opened 6 years ago

gabesawhney commented 6 years ago

Wireless Toronto: workshop


Wireless Toronto volunteers have spent over 10 years setting up and maintaining a network of wifi hotspots -- and building and maintaining relationships with small business owners and public venue managers.

While the technical side of setting up wireless networks is well-documented, the social/promotion/"sales" side is less so. In this workshop, we'll share what we've learned about developing and maintaining venue relationships.

Type: workshop Length: 1 hour Additional considerations: max participants 15, to enable effective discussion

Session Objectives

Material and Technical Requirements


Name: Gabe Sawhney Email: gabe@pwd.ca URL: wirelesstoronto.ca [group website] Twitter: @gggg @wirelesstoronto

Interested in attending the sprint July 16-18: N Interested in a community billet: N

Presenter Bio

Gabe Sawhney is an experience designer, civic technologist and innovation strategist. He's a founder of several community and civic tech initiatives, including Code for Canada, Civic Tech Toronto, Wireless Toronto and [murmur].

benhylau commented 6 years ago

Thanks @gabesawhney, I think this one should be titled Wireless Toronto: workshop?