ournetworks / 2018-submissions

ARCHIVED--submissions for 2018 State of Our Networks have now closed, check out our full program online!
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Using Qri for Distributed Data collaboration #21

Open b5 opened 6 years ago

b5 commented 6 years ago

Using Qri for Distributed Data collaboration


qri.io ("query") is an open source peer-2-peer data collaboration tool. In the spirit of "do it with others" this workshop will engage participants to each develop their own dataset of citations they'd like to share such as books, online articles, and blog posts. Participants will then publish these datasets on the distributed web using qri, and from there we'll work together to combine the sum of these datasets into a collection of citations. We'll then render these datasets as web pages using traditional web technologies, making our collection of citations available to a broader audience, while also providing access to the raw data for others to build upon.

Type: workshop Length: 1 Hour Additional considerations: Ideally a maximum of 25-30 participants, with at least half having unix-based (mac or linux) laptop.

Session Objective

Material and Technical Requirements


Name: Brendan O'Brien | b5
Email: b5@qri.io
Url(s): qri.io
Twitter: @b_fiive
GitHub: @b5

Interested in attending the sprint July 16-18: Y Interested in a community billet: N

Presenter Bio

Brendan is a leader in the open source software development community and open data movement. He founded Qri (pronounced “query”) to help bring the benefits of open source software to public data. He helped to launch DataTogether.org, a network of communities, data scientists and developers dedicated to promoting a culture of data collection and sharing. He is also a member of EDGI, the Environmental Data and Governance Initiative, founded to support efforts to preserve at-risk government environmental data.