ournetworks / 2018-submissions

ARCHIVED--submissions for 2018 State of Our Networks have now closed, check out our full program online!
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Cadences of Connection and Exchange #22

Open structur opened 6 years ago

structur commented 6 years ago

Cadences of Connection and Exchange: Planning and Modeling Activity Centered Networks


Although we access internet from many locations acoss our communications, our expectations for connectivity and availability of content are somewhat more static. In these moments our experience of the networked connectivity is embedded in not only files and bandwidth, but also mixes the activities of passerby and environmental features. Our ways of accessing information (i.e. files, content, etc) could be significantly diversified in networks without ubiquitous (centrally provided) broadband, where access might be linked to the physical environment or physical storage, such as in dead drops or Cuba's budding public wifi access or their "sneakernet" style paquete semanal12.

What might happen when network connectivity works differently in shared spaces of transit, leisure and work? What are the possible benefits of challenging the expectation of ubiquitous broadband and the cadence of constant connectivity- the what ethical issues might arise? Can we create different sorts of networks that fit the constraints and character of different spaces and human activities around them?

Type: talk+workshop

Length: 2 hour workshop

Session Objective

  1. Explore and discuss the ways that physical environments and purposeful activities can reconfigure conceptions of access and file distribution.
  2. Learn about and apply inclusive modeling techniques for planning projects

Material and Technical Requirements

A room with a black or white board would be ideal, otherwise flip chart and markers probably sufficient.


Name: Curtis McCord Email: curtis.mccord@gmail.com Twitter: @cwm__
GitHub: @structur

Interested in attending the sprint July 16-18: [???]
Interested in a community billet: [maybe but need more details for a yes]

Presenter Bio

Curtis is a graduate student at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Information. His work focusses on distributed and deliberative 'political' decision-making, especially computer supported work. His approach orbits academic spheres of "values in design" which analyses the ways that technologies can substantiate value claims, and "critical systems thinking" which attempts to unpack and analyse those values in ways that challenge technical hierarchies and expertise and create opportunities for inclusive and productive citizenship.