ournetworks / 2018-submissions

ARCHIVED--submissions for 2018 State of Our Networks have now closed, check out our full program online!
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Our _Stable_ Networks #24

Open paidforby opened 6 years ago

paidforby commented 6 years ago

Our Stable Networks


What does a "stable" deployment of a community mesh network look like?

During this session, we will look at successful community wireless projects around the world, see how they are structured, both organizationally and technologically.

In particular, participants will learn what a stable implementation of a People's Open Network might look like directly from the people building one in Oakland, CA.

Finally, we will facilitate an open discussion about defining network stability and organizational values that could help maintain that stability.


Length: 2hrs, I don't think there should be a limit on participants, though it depends how we decide to structure the brainstorm session.

Session Objective

Material and Technical Requirements

Projector, maybe?


Name: Grant Gallo Email: grant@peoplesopen.net GitHub: @paidforby https://github.com/sudomesh/

Interested in attending the sprint July 16-18: Maybe Interested in a community billet: N

Presenter Bio

Grant is creative techonologist and network engineer who can be found climbing rooftops in Oakland, performing visuals in Toronto, and variously installing internet all over the US.

jnny commented 6 years ago

Looks like I'll be able to make it, hooray!!

mayhaps @paidforby can voice in approval for me to join the list of presenters:


Name: Jenny Ryan Email: jenny@peoplesopen.net Blog: https://jennyryan.net Github: @jnny Twitter: @tunabananas

Interested in attending the sprint July 16-18: Maybe Interested in a community billet: N


Over the past 7 years Jenny has lived in Oakland, CA and co-founded the Sudo Room hackerspace, Sudo Mesh / People’s Open Network, and the Omni Commons. Her mission is to work alongside existing and emerging organizations to build human and communications infrastructure, connecting grassroots communities and global initiatives rooted in the shared struggle to reclaim the commons, create public spheres through the cultivation of open spaces, and enable direct democracy through principles of federation and open source or Read/Write culture.