ournetworks / 2018-submissions

ARCHIVED--submissions for 2018 State of Our Networks have now closed, check out our full program online!
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City of Experiences: The Network & The City #9

Open therealitycorp opened 6 years ago

therealitycorp commented 6 years ago

City of Experiences: The Network & The City


We are living in a fluid existence between the virtual and physical worlds. The urban development models of the past are beginning to fall short in creating cities that support the reality of our current existence. Networks aren’t just nodes and links designated by code—they are accessed and used by real people over physical infrastructure that exists in physical space. How does the network interface with the city, and with the public? What are the individual and collective experiences and interactions that are enabled by these networks in practice?

This workshop will:

City of Experiences is an ongoing DoUC project with the goal of questioning how cities are constructed and who they are constructed for. The acceleration of technology creates a sense of urgency to determine how we will live in the future. What is needed now, as a society, is to be more active in creating the necessary platforms to imagine what experiences can act as a driving force for transformation. The City of Experiences is a project that, through different experiments and engagements, will continue to explore this hypothesis.

Type: workshop
Length: 2 hour
Additional considerations:

Session Objective

Material and Technical Requirements


Name: Department of Unusual Certainties
 Email: sam@douc.ca
 Url(s): wearedouc.com
 Twitter: @therealitycorp@cristoforo_DoUC
 Instagram: @douc_to 
GitHub: @therealitycorp

Interested in attending the sprint July 16-18: N 
Interested in a community billet: N

Presenter Bio

Department of Unusual Certainties 
DoUC is a Toronto-based studio who design collaborative processes for engagement, communication and education. In 2010, DoUC started as a result of a shared need to ask questions about our everyday existence. Our work is directed by exploration, information and experimentation that takes shape with a pragmatic approach to solving problems with our clients. We are dedicated to creating substantive content and experiences that people can engage with, reflect on and react to.