ournetworks / 2018

Coordination for State of Our Networks 2018 on July 13–18, 2018
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Set up mailing list for next year #95

Closed dcwalk closed 5 years ago

dcwalk commented 6 years ago


We should decide if/how we want to ask people to get a notification in the future (next year already in my mind?!?)

Discussion at retrospective on how to properly handle a mailing list for those who opted in to updates, seems we have a few options groups:

  1. self-host 😨 (e.g., mailman)
  2. partial self-host using existing mailserver (@dcwalk seems to think there are options here -- e.g. civicrm?)
  3. mutual aid/smaller hosted (e.g., with a local or values-aligned group)
    • mayfirst
    • riseup
    • Toronto connections?
    • Seattle Mesh
  4. small- to mega- hosted
    • tinyletter
    • mailchimp
    • constant contact... etc...
ana0 commented 6 years ago

Looking through some of these options, I think the Mayfirst or Riseup hosted options are both good ideas. Looks like they're both just hosting the most popular open source mailing lists and making it available. They get my vote - can't find anything about the Seattle mesh version.

This is what Battlemesh uses: http://ml.ninux.org/listinfo/

dcwalk commented 5 years ago

Discussed at the retrospective and consensed to go ahead with a mailing list.

I've researched mayfirst and think we are okay to use it, however it'll take longer to set up than we thought (also there may be longevity issues there)

dcwalk commented 5 years ago

Update: I should be ready as a member to set this up properly tomorrow/Thursday, will aim to test it before email out!

dcwalk commented 5 years ago

Okay testing and set up a prelim list here: https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/listinfo/ournetworks. I've done some testing and I'm prettttttty sure it is in announce only, with all organizers added as mods.... We will have to approve all emails before they get sent out after emailing them to the list

dcwalk commented 5 years ago

FINAL EMAIL was sent out 🎉 just need to update website to close this out

dcwalk commented 5 years ago

Wasn't sure the best way to attempt a smooth website signup for mailman 2.x, could test something like this: https://szabgab.com/how-to-integrate-a-mailman-signup-with-your-web-site.html

docs: https://wiki.list.org/DOC/4.33%20How%20do%20I%20put%20a%20subscribe%20form%20for%20my%20list%20on%20a%20web%20page%3F

benhylau commented 5 years ago

Relevant: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=es&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ca&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://tec.lleialtat.cat/infraestructura/butlleti&xid=17259,15700023,15700124,15700149,15700186,15700191,15700201&usg=ALkJrhg8A4yNqY7agDVs0s1RISdtOfETHA

dcwalk commented 5 years ago

DEAR GOD THIS IS DONE, tho nice link @benhylau on mailtrain. Maybe we think about that down the road 🤷‍♀️