Low-tech Magazine questions the belief in technological progress, and highlights the potential of past knowledge and technologies for designing a sustainable society. In this talk we present https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com, a radical redesign of the blog that is self-hosted on a solar-powered server.
This talk will review the design and technical considerations behind the redesign. This includes highlighting its functional benefits, such as archivability and accessibility, as well as its design approach to make the infrastructure powering the site more transparent.
Type: [talk]
Length: [<30 minutes]
Language: [English]
Additional considerations: [There is a possibility that a surge in access, combined with bad weather in Barcelona, that the live website may be down. In this case, we will showcase a local cached version.]
Session Objective
Reimagine the future of the internet given the state of our climate
Promote the discussion of alternative web development and design strategies for sustainability
Gain an understanding of specific techniques and strategies to minimize energy use on the web
As organizers we strive for low-cost pathways of participation, are you interested in a community billet program either hosting out-of-towners or staying with locals?
Presenter Bio
Marie Otsuka is a designer and programmer working around tools and methods for making. She is currently drawing typefaces and developing scripts at Occupant Fonts, while independently collaborating with various authors, artists, and designers.
Lauren Traugott-Campbell is a graphic designer and artist working in exhibition and print design at MGMT Design in New York City. Her work investigates the materiality of digital systems and the labor involved in making them run.
Low-tech Magazine questions the belief in technological progress, and highlights the potential of past knowledge and technologies for designing a sustainable society. In this talk we present https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com, a radical redesign of the blog that is self-hosted on a solar-powered server.
This talk will review the design and technical considerations behind the redesign. This includes highlighting its functional benefits, such as archivability and accessibility, as well as its design approach to make the infrastructure powering the site more transparent.
Type: [talk]
Length: [<30 minutes]
Language: [English]
Additional considerations: [There is a possibility that a surge in access, combined with bad weather in Barcelona, that the live website may be down. In this case, we will showcase a local cached version.]
Session Objective
Material and Technical Requirements
Name: Marie Otsuka
Email: marie@motsuka.com
Url(s): motsuka.com
GitHub: marieotsuka
Name: Lauren Traugott-Campbell
Email: squishysystems@gmail.com
Url(s): http://squishysystems.com/
As organizers we strive for low-cost pathways of participation, are you interested in a community billet program either hosting out-of-towners or staying with locals? [N]
Presenter Bio
Marie Otsuka is a designer and programmer working around tools and methods for making. She is currently drawing typefaces and developing scripts at Occupant Fonts, while independently collaborating with various authors, artists, and designers.
Lauren Traugott-Campbell is a graphic designer and artist working in exhibition and print design at MGMT Design in New York City. Her work investigates the materiality of digital systems and the labor involved in making them run.