ournetworks / 2019-submissions

ARCHIVED--Submissions for Our Networks 2019 have now closed, check out our full program online!
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[Resistant Networks with Retro-Tech] #25

Open libirose opened 5 years ago

libirose commented 5 years ago


[In the Media Archaeology Lab my colleagues and I have the unique opportunity to experiment with 'obsolete' technologies, including networking protocols. Though they are outdated, these technologies provide a unique opportunity to experience a form of technological connection that is rarely available - direct, limited, and affectively more honest than the networks we've become accustomed to. My talk-shop will offer an overview of the projects currently running in the MAL in addition to getting hands-on with some ideas for building personalized, defiantly non-commercial networks with abandoned and retro technologies, from the slightly absurd to the potentially utilitarian.]

Type: [talk/workshop hybrid]
Length: [45 minutes inc. time for q's]
Language: [english] Additional considerations: [no max other than room size, prefer a table to sit around or chairs in a round but i'm not picky!]

Session Objective

[1 - Demonstrate retro and abandoned hardware as a real opportunity for resistant networking potential. 2 - Emphasize methods for engaging those who consider themselves 'bad with tech' in alternative networks. 3 - Offer information on the projects at the Media Archaeology Lab]

Material and Technical Requirements

[screen/projector combo (i can bring a portable projector if that is helpful, for presenting in weird rooms), a stack of construction paper, a ball of string; two or more empty, clean cans; OLPC XO laptops (i will be bringing these)]


Name: libi rose striegl
Email: striegl@gmail.com
Url(s): [libirose.com](personal website), [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s42803-019-00005-9](recent paper on networks with retro tech], [sharingturtle.com](my collaborative practice)
Twitter: [@rose_alibi](url to twitter account)
GitHub: [](url to GitHub account)

As organizers we strive for low-cost pathways of participation, are you interested in a community billet program either hosting out-of-towners or staying with locals? [yes - would love to billet with someone]

Presenter Bio

[I am an artist and PhD student currently based at the University of Colorado, primarily in the Media Archaeology Lab & the Blow Things Up Lab. My work is focused on tech defamiliarization as an educational tool, using workshops as both an education and artistic practice. I am interested in the technological, social and environmental implications of convenience. I regularly host workshops on tech repair, retro technology, privacy & security, open source practices, and alternative networks.]