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DHT, BFT, OMG: Know Your Building Blocks for Decentralized Applications (2019 edition) #3

Open kirushik opened 5 years ago

kirushik commented 5 years ago


If the only thing you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, right? Then why wonder how came our engineers are mostly building centralized client-server data silos, if in the core of their curriculums usually lies a mental model of computing from 70s, with a singular mainframe being programmed and used from multiple "dumb" terminals. And then history replicates itself, and modern-day Facebook uses our multi-GHz, multi-GB, multi-core devices as dumb terminals of sorts.

Let's see what tools and approaches are there at your command, if you decide to build something else, something more decentralized, more resilient, frequently more performant and bringing agency back to end users.

It is going to be a revised and extended variant of my talk on Web3 Summit in Berlin in 2018

Type: talk Length: 1 hour (can be squezeed into a 30 minutes timeslot if I really hurry up — but my explanations will lose some clarity because of that) Language: english Additional considerations: nothing special I can think of.

Session Objective

In this talk I'm going to give an inventory of patterns, algorithms and datastructures which can be composed into decentralized applications. The aim is not to train people to reimplement those structures in their code, but to teach them to recognize the patterns, and match them with suitable tools from the toolbox.

Material and Technical Requirements

It's mostly me talking in front of the slides, the usual stuff. I would actually quite like to replace computerized slides with an old school overhead projection if you have one — but would probably need to know a little bit in advance to have enough time to prepare my transparencies for that.


Name: Kirill Pimenov Email: kirill@pimenov.cc Url(s): N/A
Twitter: @kirushik
GitHub: kirushik

My company (Parity Technologies, opensource blockchain software developer) would cover my flight and accommodation costs if I am selected to speak. It wouldn't result in any sponsorship obligations on your side, or anything like that — but I will have to mention the company name in my slides.

Presenter Bio

I've graduated from Moscow State University as a Specialist (≅Master of Science) in Physics, with a specialization in computer modelling of optical properties in liquid crystals, in 2010. The word "computer" turned out to be the most exciting in that phrase for me, so since then I founded and acted as a CTO for my own startup (which flopped), moved to Germany to develop software in SUSE Linux GmbH, and ended up acting as a Head of Security for Parity Technologies.