ournetworks / 2019-submissions

ARCHIVED--Submissions for Our Networks 2019 have now closed, check out our full program online!
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Torrents of Sex #31

Open nahbee10 opened 5 years ago

nahbee10 commented 5 years ago


I have been working on the web-based performance project . In this project, I regard myself as a web application having sexual desire and speculate what would happen if that programmable entity can have sexual relationships as we do. With their programmability which is the biggest difference of from real human, approaches technology as a tool for redefining ingrained ways of having sexual relationship.

<Torrents of Sex> is one of the projects of Nahee.app about sex and network technology. Assuming that someday human can upload and download their somatic sensations onto the web, Nahee.app designed peer-to-peer polyamorous sexual relationship network protocol <Torrents of Sex>, inspired by BitTorrent’s file distribution & peer selection algorithms.

This work consists of two parts: one part is an illustration with detailed descriptions of the protocol and the other part is a mobile app as an experimental implementation of this protocol.

For the illustration part, I plan to show it as a back-lit type poster. Through this link(https://lapses-screening.s3.amazonaws.com/torrents_of_sex.pdf), you can see the illustration. It’ll be mounted on the wall.

For the app part, I’ll put a small screen(iPad) to show some visuals which explain how to access to and use the app to the viewers. I want to make viewers join and experience <Torrents of Sex> through the app with a speculative sense (since it’s almost impossible to connect our biological senses to the online network at current stage). This app is developed following the algorithm described in the illustration and still on the developing stage.

Type: artwork exhibition Length: N/A Language: english

Session Objective

Speculative networks / P2P

Material and Technical Requirements

about 6 ft x 6 ft wall for mounting the back lit poster (size will be 36 inch x 24 inch) and 12.9 inch iPad

power outlet (110v)


Name: Nahee Kim
Email: nahbee10@gmail.com Url(s): http://nahee.app Twitter: @AppNahee GitHub: https://github.com/nahbee10/nahee.app

As organizers we strive for low-cost pathways of participation, are you interested in a community billet program either hosting out-of-towners or staying with locals?

Yes, I'm living in New York. So I want to stay with locals if that's possible.

Presenter Bio

Nahee Kim is an artist and a web developer exploring programmability of human sexual behavior. She writes code poems, builds web applications, draws illustrations and makes videos regarding body images bound up with sexuality, power dynamics and communication protocols in sexual relationship and experimental approaches to human reproduction. She studies and teaches at Hunter College, studied at School for Poetic Computation, was a resident at MassMOCA, is a member of Soft Surplus which is collective workspace in Brooklyn and was a member of Eobchae which is an artist collective in South Korea. She is based in New York and Seoul.