ournetworks / 2019-submissions

ARCHIVED--Submissions for Our Networks 2019 have now closed, check out our full program online!
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Amazonification: Decoding Scarcity as Weaponized Precarity #4

Open h1baal1 opened 5 years ago

h1baal1 commented 5 years ago



[Description that is 1-2 paragraphs (75 - 150 words)]

Workers’ rights are losing respect, the power of technology is not fully understood – gone are the eras of strength of 1940s US labor unions. A financial environment cushioned by unregulated laws created an orange-coloured disease, Amazon, that systemically targets poor people, Black communities and communities of color. It spreads precarity as a contagion, strengthens digital redlining, and produces predatory surveillance: Amazon, the company, has changed the world. Also, it has changed the word. Amazon will come to solely signify the company and not the Brazilian rainforest. I will speak on the “Amazonification” of the world and its role in spreading neoliberal ecoterrorism by remapping environmental scarcity as precarity onto vulnerable populations. I will connect this to the company’s predatory system of surveillance through its in-house facial recognition software and serving as the tech-backbone of ICE. Through the innocuous frame of consumption, this talk and screening decrypts the “success” behind corporate rendering of workers’ labor as invisible and through its AI algorithms extending the carceral state.

Type: Talk Length: 1 hour
Language: English Additional considerations: Lecture and screening set-up (with speakers and projector)

Session Objective

[Identify 1-3 key objectives for the session (could be participant takeaways)]

-Challenges of connecting global and local chains of labour and the necessity of creating a global labour movement -Mapping precarity as a key oppression that ensures global corporate success -Predatory surveillance extension to local and global mechanisms of disempowerment -Delineating the corporation’s partnering with the state to strengthen systems of incarceration and surveillance through AI algorithms

Material and Technical Requirements

[List materials you as presenter require AND any participant materials (indicate if support is required for a purchase/cost). Include equipment, technical, and installation requirements if applicable. We will aim to accommodate where possible]

I am conducting a lecture and screening and require a projector and microphone for speaking. I will be coming from out of town and require travel funding and a place to stay.


Hiba Ali

Name: Hiba Ali
Email: 18ha15@queensu.ca
Url(s): hibaali.info/, instragram/h1baal1

As organizers we strive for low-cost pathways of participation, are you interested in a community billet program either hosting out-of-towners or staying with locals?

I am coming from out of town and would like to stay with locals.

Presenter Bio

[Bio that is under 1 paragraph (50 - 75 words)]

Hiba Ali is a new media artist, writer, curator and musician from Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. Her performances and videos concern music, labour and power. She conducts reading groups addressing digital media and workshops with open-source technology. She is a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at Queens University, Kingston, Canada. She has presented her work in Chicago, Stockholm, Toronto, New York, Istanbul, São Paulo, Detroit, Dubai, Austin, Vancouver, and Portland.