ournetworks / 2019-submissions

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A technical introduction to IPFS #8

Open hsanjuan opened 5 years ago

hsanjuan commented 5 years ago


The Interplanetary FileSystem provides a networked, distributed filesystem to retrieve files and folders among multiple parties without a central server. It is efficient, resilient and hard to censor but, how does it work at all?

This talk will give an technical introduction for non-technical people to the main concepts behind the IPFS-stack. Participants will learn the different pieces on which a system like IPFS is built upon and how they're all glued together.

Type: talk Length: 1 hour Language: english Additional considerations:

Session Objective

Material and Technical Requirements



Name: Hector Sanjuan Email: hector@protocol.ai Twitter: @hecturchi GitHub: @hsanjuan

As organizers we strive for low-cost pathways of participation, are you interested in a community billet program either hosting out-of-towners or staying with locals? N

Presenter Bio

Hector Sanjuan works at Protocol Labs and leads the IPFS Cluster project, a distributed application using many parts from the libp2p and IPFS stacks.