ournetworks / 2019-submissions

ARCHIVED--Submissions for Our Networks 2019 have now closed, check out our full program online!
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Publishing your first Decentralized website with Dat #9

Open RangerMauve opened 5 years ago

RangerMauve commented 5 years ago


The current state of the web is giant silos of data from giant corporations that don't care about your privacy. Creating something on your own terms means hosting hardware, learning "back end" programming, and all sorts of barriers to entry.

Luckily, decentralized and P2P technology has gotten really popular. The distributed web is actually a lot easier to work with that you might expect, and doesn't require any "back end" experience. Dat is a P2P protocol that makes it easy to share and update files over a Peer To Peer network. What's more, people can create websites with it directly from a web browser.

This workshop will walk people through publishing their first P2P website using Dat and some retro-feeling HTML. Bring your laptop or phone and expect garish colors, obnoxious GIFs, and the <marquee> element.

Type: workshop
Length: 1 hour - 2 hour
Language: English Additional considerations: max participants TBD

Session Objective

Material and Technical Requirements

For presenter:

For attendees:


Name: Georgiy Shibaev
Email: ranger@mauve.moe
Url(s): ranger.mauve.moe, rangermauve.hashbase.io
Twitter: @RangerMauve
GitHub: RangerMauve

As organizers we strive for low-cost pathways of participation, are you interested in a community billet program either hosting out-of-towners or staying with locals? [N]

Presenter Bio

Georgiy Shibaev (a.k.a. Mauve) is a freelance software developer working on decentralized and P2P software. He's passionate about the web, and enabling people to own their data, communities, and software. He's currently working at the Dat project on developer experience by building tools to make it easy to work with Dat across environments like the Web and Node.js.

RangerMauve commented 5 years ago

Tracking the workshop info here: https://github.com/RangerMauve/dat-website-workshop