ournetworks / 2020-submissions

ARCHIVED--Submissions for Our Networks 2020 have now closed, check out our full program online!
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Play2play #28

Open WMAN-guild opened 4 years ago

WMAN-guild commented 4 years ago


We consider the game www.manyland.com as a collective and social space in which it is possible to iterate real life behaviors. The building permissions of the world are shared with every newcomer so that all participants find themselves equal in the construction, destruction and design of this common space. The online space remains after a launching event and is not limited in size allowing anyone to express their wishes for privacy or spreading out. It is therefore possible to consider it as an official backstage to meet in-between the official moments of Our Networks. This playground is deployed according to the attendance and allows one to focus on the immediate experience rather than on the intellectualization of the medium: it allows us to play together.

Type: Virtual Backstage
Length*: 30min/persistant for the launching event Date: between August 7-9 Duration: ongoing Language: english | french



Material and Technical Requirements

Platform: any computer with any internet browsers Technical considerations: no known limits Additional considerations: no known limits


Name: WMAN (Arthur Debert, Alix Desaubliaux, Lucie Desaubliaux, Valentin Godard, Leo Gouhier & Carin Klonowski)

Email: wmanguild@protonmail.com Url(s): https://www.facebook.com/WMANguild/, http://manyland.com/wmanhub Twitter: [@you](url to twitter account)
GitHub: https://github.com/ArthurDebert

Presenter Bio

WMAN is a playing, research and artistic practice group based on the medium of video games and is made up of 6 artists. Its working, demonstration and research mechanisms vary at each occurrence depending on the fields covered. WMAN is mobile. It takes place both in the physical spaces that bring its members together and in the digital spaces in which they navigate. What it produces is as diverse as what it explores : it builds reflections as much as plastic forms such as performance, sculpture, image or text.

Arhur Debert (30/03/1990), Lives and works in Berlin / http://arthurdebert.fr/ Alix Desaubliaux (15/10/1993), lives and works in Rennes / http://alixdesaubliaux.fr/ Lucie Desaubliaux (15/04/1989) lives and works in Rennes / http://luciedesaubliaux.fr/ Valentin Godard (05/05/1993) lives and works in Lyon / https://mauricegodard.fr/ Léo Gouhier (30/04/1990) lives and works in Paris / https://online-go.com/player/773285 Carin Klonowski (14/01/1989) lives and works in Paris and Clermont-Ferrand / http://carineklonowski.net