ournetworks / 2020-submissions

ARCHIVED--Submissions for Our Networks 2020 have now closed, check out our full program online!
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Toward a federation of hybrid spaces #31

Open panosnethood opened 4 years ago

panosnethood commented 4 years ago


The main topic of my intervention is the idea of hybrid space as a common infrastructure as described in this recent article at the Journal of Peer Production, and presented recently at battlemesh.

The simplest format is a streamed talk of 20-30 min. I have done this many times and I think it will be interesting. But I would be also motivated to think of a "hybrid conference" format, where people from different locations connect not as individuals, but through "spaces". And also, a first gathering with local activists in other areas toward the formulation of a "holistic" alternative to the Sidewalks Lab project. But these would need collaboration and better to discuss them with those interested.

Type: [ streamed talk | virtual workshop ]
Length*: [ 30 minutes | 1 hours | 2 hours | other (describe!) ]
Date: [ before August 7 | between August 7-9 | ]
Duration: [ once | ongoing ] Language: [ english | french | greek ]

*Note: all talks will be capped at 30 minutes with time for discussion and questions


Material and Technical Requirements

Platform: [ videoconferencing ] Technical considerations: [e.g., max number of participants, access]
Additional considerations: [e.g., max number of participants, access]

[List technical considerations, platform, and any resources you as presenter require AND any participant materials (indicate if support is required for a purchase/cost). Include equipment, technical, and installation requirements if applicable. We will aim to accommodate where possible]


Name: Panayotis Antoniadis Email: panayotis@nethood.org Url(s): NetHood, L200, 7at7, Openki, o500 Twitter: @panayotis
GitHub: panosnethod

Presenter Bio

Panayotis Antoniadis is the co-founder of NetHood, a Zurich-based non-profit organization that combines research and action in the development of tools for self-organization and conviviality, bringing together different forms of commoning in the city like community networks, complementary currencies, and cooperative housing.