ournetworks / 2022-submissions

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Governance Experience Design Workshop (2047 edition) #11

Open kelsien opened 1 year ago

kelsien commented 1 year ago


A new paradigm that focuses on how we architect the way people interact with governance towards effective self-governance is in the making, known as: 'Governance Experience Design' ('govexdesign'). This session is an ideation and writing workshop to further co-develop and test the core principles of govexdesign for a future we want to participate in. See more at: https://www.crowdwrite.xyz/metagov/cl7e9sjvc000q09jx9kjhbocz/text

Type: virtual workshop Length*: 2 hours Date: between November 14-24 (flexible in time zones that align for EST afternoon + AEDT morning) Duration: once, with follow on interactions via the Metagov slack channel on #govexdesign Language: english

Presenter(s) - 2047

Name: Kelsie Nabben (aka zot. Conceiver of numerous subversive schemes, including MetagovDAO) Email: kelsie.nabben@rmit.edu.au Url(s): https://metagov.org/ ; kelsienabben.substack.com Twitter: @kelsiemvn Fediverse: mastodon SSB: It's been a while..

Name: Nathan Schneider (aka Chief. A co-initiator of Metagov, author of the future of the networked platforms, and famous for editing Vitalik Buterin's book. Hates to be called Chief) Email: nathan.schneider@colorado.edu
Url(s): https://metagov.org/ ; https://communityrule.info/ Twitter: @ntnsndr Fediverse: N/A SSB: N/A

Presenter Bio

Kelsie: Kelsie Nabben is a PhD Candidate at RMIT University Centre for Automated Decision-Making & Society, Researcher at RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub, and Governance Research Lead at R&D firm BlockScience. She is obsessed with understanding the social implications of emerging technologies, ethnographic methods, and moon cacao.

Nathan: Nathan Schneider is an assistant professor of media studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he leads the Media Enterprise Design Lab. His most recent book is Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition that Is Shaping the Next Economy. I suppose what I’m after is the chronicling of ideas, of perfect worlds, of ordinary imaginations in practice.


Submitter Info - 2022

Name: Kelsie Nabben Email: kelsie.nabben@rmit.edu.au