ournetworks / 2022-submissions

ARCHIVED--Submissions for Our Networks 2022 have now closed, check out our full program online!
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Internet for the organised neighbourhood #14

Open dotoriworks opened 1 year ago

dotoriworks commented 1 year ago


📣 Please Note: We are not hosting a conference, but instead facilitating the creation of a wiki about a conference that could take place in 2047. We will pre-seed the wiki with submissions made here as a "conference schedule". Between November 14 - 27, 2022 we will host a series of online writeathons where you may introduce your idea and expand on it yourself or with others, you will also be able to participate and edit the wiki fully asynchronously.

In year 2047, extortionate rents and rentierisation have continued to make ghettos of working class spaces, virtual and physical. We look to important wins by organised tenant, squatter, and encampment groups which show a way forward.

Taking the organised neighbourhood as our domain, we will jam over a 3x repeating 101 workshop on collective-run networks. We will talk people/hardware/software/maintenance needs, a toolkit, and strategy for a local, responsibly stewarded peer-to-peer (P2P) network. We seek to work with found and rescued materials. We build networks that support good relations, self-empowerment, and accountability in our everyday digital practices.

We invite all who are part of an neighbourhood collective or are beginning to build those relationships.

Each iteration of this workshop will premise a different state of organising:

Type: (virtual? in-person?) workshop
Length*: 1 hr Date: between November 14-27 Duration: repeats 3x Language: english, open to translations

Presenter(s) - 2047

📣 Please Note: This could be yourself in 2047 or a character you've created.

Name: alex jung Email: dotorialex@mailbox.org

Name: kyle mowat Email: mowat.kyle@gmail.com URL: kvmowat.tumblr.com

Presenter Bio

Alex Jung

Alex Jung is a tooler, facilitator, and organiser. He calls Toronto home since he learnt to grow roots here with and alongside his neighbours. He likes DIY and worldbuilding-irl, and builds what his communities can build on for self-determination. In daily life, he is found in pools, in friends' garages, in many discord servers, in the equally deep and shallow trenches of Wikipedia, and occasionally at a local funk or house jam.

Kyle Mowat

Kyle Mowat is a disabled artist, occasional tenant organizer & settler based in Tkaronto/Toronto. Kyle's artistic process is shaped by the last half decade of living with disability & chronic pain. Previously an award winning animator, Kyle would regularly work 8-12 hour days producing meticulous animations and drawings. His recent diagnosis of fibromyalgia has necessitated an entirely new way of working. Repetitive motions and stress now cause a disproportionate and lasting physical pain that Kyle has had to adapt to. The result is a slower and more forgiving art making process that uses a variety of different materials and found objects.


Submitter Info - 2022

📣 Please Note: This should be your name and contact info in 2022.

Name: Alex Jung Email: dotori@mailbox.org