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CRAN author name not read from DESCRIPTION file #49

Closed AlastairKelly closed 5 years ago

AlastairKelly commented 5 years ago

I see you have struggled with the author names from the DESCRIPTION files already. I'm not sure why this one doesn't work: http://citeas.org/cite/https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rowr/index.html Perhaps the file is constructed incorrectly?

I wasn't sure if you would like this added on to #11 where author names are a secondary concern within a different issue, but please combine if more appropriate.

caseydm commented 5 years ago

Hello. The reason that authors are not displayed for that package is because the owner has not formatted the DESCRIPTION file in a way the software can understand it. This web page shows the recommended way to format authors in a DESCRIPTION file, which is like this:

Authors@R: c(person("Matt","Nunes",role=c("aut","cre"),
        email="nunesrpackages@gmail.com"),person("Dennis", "Prangle",
    person("Guilhereme", "Rodrigues", role="ctb",

The rowr package you referenced has the author formatted like: Author: Craig Varrichio <canthony427@gmail.com>

Looking at the ABCtools package, for example, it is parsed correctly by CiteAs due to the authors being listed in the proper format: http://citeas.org/cite/https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/abctools/

That being said, I scrolled through several packages and do see that some others are using the plain format. So I will attempt to support it shortly.

caseydm commented 5 years ago

Hello again! I just made an update so almost every author format is pulled from the DESCRIPTION file now. The example you mentioned is working. Please take a look.