ourworldventures / www_ourworld_tf

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review #35

Closed sasha-astiadi closed 4 days ago

sasha-astiadi commented 2 weeks ago

Our World Holdings (https://www.ourworld.tf/)

Example of investor-focused website (https://team-planet.com/)


Suggested Edits

Panel 1 – Our World

text: • Our World Ventures • ‘Empowering Self-Sovereign Development’ • Pioneering an ecosystem where startups can harness emerging technologies to reclaim their sovereignty while prioritizing environmental and social sustainability.

Panel 1 Banner: • Banner should only show the projects under the Our World HoldCo.
• Banner logos should match Ventures page • Remove Our World logo - it’s the HoldCo and not a project within HoldCo • Remove Social Network – project is not explained on website • Remove VVerse – project is not owned by HoldCo • Our World Free Zone – logo changed to “Digital Economic Zone” • Add Hero – (as long as website is functional) • Add OurPhone – (create page on Ventures)

Panel 2 - About:

•   Suggest to remove this panel entirely and move Panel 3 ‘The Foundation of Every Venture” to Panel 2
•    Does not add tangible value to understanding the ecosystem (fluff)

Panel 3 – Foundation (new Panel 2):

•   Header -> ‘Core Principles at the Foundation of Every Venture’
•   Remove other text 

•   Planet First -> Build in ways that respect and protect natural resources.
•   (Mother Earth not professional)
•   Prioritize People -> Ensure equality and equity in our ecosystem 
•   (cannot have two “firsts” / scope language instead of grand statements)
•   Open Source -> Promote collaborative development across all our projects 
•   (more tailored to how OWH picks ventures)
•   Authenticity -> Uphold an ethos of transparency and trust 
•   (unclear what ‘restore and uphold authenticity of people’ means)
•   Simplicity -> Eliminate design complexities to foster rapid progress.

Panel 4 – Milestones

•   Remove because it doesn’t go with the flow of information as well as moving from Foundation to Portfolio 

Panel 5 – Portfolio (new Panel 3)

•   Tagline -> “Where Innovation Meets Independence”
•   Text -> As a venture creator, Our World develops and invests in startups that are working on the frontiers of self-sovereign digital connectivity.  Explore the ventures shaping our future.  

Panel 4 – Insert ‘Milestones’ panel

•   Tagline -> Our Development Journey
•   (remove ‘join us’ call to action text since there is no way to Act)
•   Phase 1 -> Core Infrastructure 
•   (Brand positioning is that OWH invested into Threefold as a venture) 
•   (1) Threefold’s decentralized, autonomous edge computing technology serves as the backbone of the Our World ecosystem
•   (2) Our World helped secure $50M in investment from our community of investors. 
•   Phase 2 -> Digital Economic Zone 
•   (1) Partnered with Government of Tanzania to establish a Digital Economic Zone (DEZ) with financial and other incentives for ventures.
•   (2) Deployed a suite of integrated platforms within the DEZ to onboard new ventures into the ecosystem 
•   Current Phase -> Launching New Ventures 
•   (1) $30M raise underway to expand core infrastructure and invest in new ventures with a focus on interdependent projects that strengthen the DEZ collectively. 
•   (2) Designing regulatory framework to facilitate digital assets exchanges and other decentralized financial platforms.
•   Phase 4 -> Scalable Impact 
•   (1) Deploy 1 million nodes and onboard 10 million users to empower the Our World ecosystem
•   (2) Ensure successful exits of our top ventures on behalf of our investors. 

Remove Team Panel Remove Blog Panel

Panel 5 (new panel 6) • Quote • (there should be a contact us button under the quote)


Panel 1 • Remove “about’ small text since it’s already the name of the page • Remove “A venture creator” text since it is explained on the landing page

Panel 2 (new Panel 1) • Remove “our values” small text since those values are explained on landing page as core principles • Tagline -> A 20-year mission to reclaim our digital sovereignty • Text -> Our World Ventures evolved from Incubaid, an emerging technology incubator that has supported five projects from seed to successful exits. • (insert link to Incubaid website) • Move graphic of 5 exits to underneath this text

(remove ‘A proven success’ and move to Ventures page)

Panel 2 – Team

Panel 3 – Blog • Suggest to remove the blog from the landing page to present a more professional image


Panel 1 • Text -> All ventures within the Our World ecosystem are connected through our shared principles, values, and a desire to bring forward a new era of digital sovereignty and self-empowerment.

Panel 2 • Tagline -> Next Exit on the Horizon • Text -> Threefold Tech, the most successful project currently in Incubaid and the backbone of our Digital Economic Zone, has created cutting-edge decentralized cloud and core operating system technology that is empowering an upgraded version of the internet where data sovereignty is paramount. The Threefold Grid, which deploys this technology as an open source model is in its third generation with new capacity being added by our community on a daily basis.
• (suggest to add 4 aspects of Threefold on the link (secure, access, etc) to the ventures page instead of needing to click through.) • Reasoning = too many links to gain info; very little data in the link so it does not make sense to have a separate page • Also link the threefold website below it

Panel 3 • Digital Economic Zone • Order of importance shows a hierarchy • Move text in link to the main panel so there’s less to click through • Same reasoning as above • Add link to DEZ website where the DEZ is explained -> it’s unclear what the purpose of the VVerse is -> i.e. it needs an explainer of what the user is seeing when they land on the page. From an investor pov, unless I can navigate this without logging in, I’m not going to use it. It would be more valuable to have text explaining what is the DEZ, what are the benefits of being there, what is the development pipeline, etc. since this is a core piece of the OWH ecosystem outside of the TF9 exit.

Panel 4 • Hero • Same as above • (website link is currently broken)

Panel 5 • Sikana • Same as above

Panel 6 • Our phone • Same as above

Panel 7 • Perhaps a link to where they can learn more about investing in the SAFE or a contact button to get more info about how they can become a shareholder in the ecosystem

sasha-astiadi commented 4 days ago
