ourzora / ocs-hackathon-24

Zora Onchain Summer Hackathon 24 Guide
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zora sdk 1155 #11

Open khcd opened 1 week ago

khcd commented 1 week ago

couple of questions:

  1. Do we need to use the zora specific 1155 for integrations? I assume the new contracts in use must be created from ZoraCreator1155FactoryImpl.sol
  2. When calling creatorClient.create1155(); Are there examples of contract.json and token.json ?


oveddan commented 3 days ago

We're about to release some new sdk functionality and docs that will help build the metadata.

Until this is out, contract metadata has the following json schema:

  "name": "{contract name}",
  "description": "{contract description}",
  "image": "{contract image}"

Token metadata has the following json schema:

  "name": "{token name}",
  "description": "{token description}",
  "image": "{token image ipfs url}",
  "animation_url": "{token media ipfs url}",
  "content": {
    "mime": "{content mime type}",
    "uri": "{content ipfs uri}"
  "attributes": {
    "trait_type": "{trait type}",
    "value": "{trait value}"

Contract and token metadata should be pinned to IPFS using a preferred pinning service, and the url when set on a contract or token should be in an ipfs url format, like: ipfs://{cid}