ouseful-PR / nbval

A py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks
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Autotagger tool #12

Open psychemedia opened 5 days ago

psychemedia commented 5 days ago

Create a simple CLI tool that will autotag cells in a notebook based on cell output characteristics.

So if a cell looks like its a folium map, tag it as such etc.

This could be run as a pre-testing step on an untagged notebook:

If you know cell outputs are correct in a notebook (including any error cells) then many of the tags can be derived from that.

psychemedia commented 4 days ago

Folium map:

"outputs": [{
  "data": {
      "text/plain": [
       "<folium.folium.Map at 0xffff65285780>"
psychemedia commented 4 days ago

How about:

Claude.ai suggests:

import nbformat
from IPython import get_ipython

def add_output_types_to_metadata(notebook_path, output_path=None):
    # Load the notebook
    with open(notebook_path, 'r') as f:
        nb = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4)

    # Get the IPython interpreter
    ip = get_ipython()

    for cell in nb.cells:
        if cell.cell_type == 'code':
            # Execute the cell

            # Get the type of the last output
            output_type = type(ip.user_ns['_'])

            # Add the type to cell metadata
            if 'metadata' not in cell:
                cell['metadata'] = {}
            cell['metadata']['output_type'] = str(output_type)

    # Save the modified notebook
    if output_path is None:
        output_path = notebook_path

    with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
        nbformat.write(nb, f)

    print(f"Notebook saved with output types in metadata to: {output_path}")

# Example usage
notebook_path = 'path/to/your/notebook.ipynb'
output_path = 'path/to/your/output_notebook.ipynb'
add_output_types_to_metadata(notebook_path, output_path)

(I then further prompted it to add the metadata)

and notes:

This script needs to be run in an IPython environment (like a Jupyter notebook) to work correctly.

psychemedia commented 4 days ago

I then wondered whether a JupyterLab extension might do it?

Claude suggested as a starting point:

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/application';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/notebook';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/cells';

const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = {
  id: 'output-type-metadata:plugin',
  autoStart: true,
  requires: [INotebookTracker],
  activate: (app: JupyterFrontEnd, notebookTracker: INotebookTracker) => {
    console.log('JupyterLab extension output-type-metadata is activated!');

    notebookTracker.widgetAdded.connect((sender, notebook) => {
      notebook.content.executed.connect((sender, args) => {
        const cell = args.cell as Cell;
        const outputArea = cell.outputArea;

        if (outputArea.model.length > 0) {
          const lastOutput = outputArea.model.get(outputArea.model.length - 1);
          let outputType = 'Unknown';

          if (lastOutput.type === 'execute_result') {
            // Determine output type based on the data
            if (lastOutput.data['text/plain']) {
              // You might need more sophisticated logic here
              outputType = 'text/plain';
            } else if (lastOutput.data['application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json']) {
              outputType = 'widget';
            // Add more conditions as needed

          // Update cell metadata
          cell.model.metadata.set('output_type', outputType);

export default plugin;

Then I asked if the extension could run the _ (though this would break _ for other cells unless we handle that somehow, by saving the object, typing it, then re-returning it?)

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/application';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/notebook';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/cells';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/services';

const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = {
  id: 'output-type-metadata:plugin',
  autoStart: true,
  requires: [INotebookTracker],
  activate: (app: JupyterFrontEnd, notebookTracker: INotebookTracker) => {
    console.log('JupyterLab extension output-type-metadata is activated!');

    notebookTracker.widgetAdded.connect((sender, notebook) => {
      notebook.content.executed.connect((sender, args) => {
        const cell = args.cell as Cell;
        const kernel = notebook.sessionContext.session?.kernel;

        if (kernel) {
          // Execute type(_) to get the type of the last output
            code: 'type(_).__name__'
          }).onIOPub = (msg: KernelMessage.IIOPubMessage) => {
            if (msg.header.msg_type === 'execute_result') {
              const content = msg.content as KernelMessage.IExecuteResultMsg['content'];
              const outputType = content.data['text/plain'] as string;

              // Update cell metadata with the output type
              cell.model.metadata.set('output_type', outputType.replace(/['"]+/g, '')); // Remove quotes

export default plugin;

When I explained my _ concerns it suggested:

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/application';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/notebook';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/cells';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/services';

const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = {
  id: 'output-type-metadata:plugin',
  autoStart: true,
  requires: [INotebookTracker],
  activate: (app: JupyterFrontEnd, notebookTracker: INotebookTracker) => {
    console.log('JupyterLab extension output-type-metadata is activated!');

    notebookTracker.widgetAdded.connect((sender, notebook) => {
      notebook.content.executed.connect((sender, args) => {
        const cell = args.cell as Cell;
        const kernel = notebook.sessionContext.session?.kernel;

        if (kernel) {
          // Execute code to get type without modifying _
            code: `
import sys
_temp = _
_type = type(_).__name__
del _temp
          }).onIOPub = (msg: KernelMessage.IIOPubMessage) => {
            if (msg.header.msg_type === 'stream' && msg.content.name === 'stdout') {
              const content = msg.content as KernelMessage.IStreamMsg['content'];
              const outputType = content.text;

              // Update cell metadata with the output type
              cell.model.metadata.set('output_type', outputType);

export default plugin;

I also wonder if I could just riff on cell execution status extension?

psychemedia commented 4 days ago

I then thought it might make more sense as a menu command, incl with an option to ignore errors. Claude again:

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/application';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/notebook';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/mainmenu';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/cells';

import {
} from '@jupyterlab/services';

const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = {
  id: 'output-type-metadata:plugin',
  autoStart: true,
  requires: [INotebookTracker, IMainMenu],
  activate: (app: JupyterFrontEnd, notebookTracker: INotebookTracker, mainMenu: IMainMenu) => {
    console.log('JupyterLab extension output-type-metadata is activated!');

    function enrichCell(cell: Cell, kernel: any) {
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          code: `
import sys
_temp = _
_type = type(_).__name__
if _type == 'DataFrame':
    import pandas as pd
    if isinstance(_, pd.DataFrame):
        _type = f"DataFrame(shape={_.shape}, columns={list(_.columns)})"
del _temp
        }).onIOPub = (msg: KernelMessage.IIOPubMessage) => {
          if (msg.header.msg_type === 'stream' && msg.content.name === 'stdout') {
            const content = msg.content as KernelMessage.IStreamMsg['content'];
            const outputType = content.text;
            cell.model.metadata.set('output_type', outputType);

    async function runAllCellsEnriched(notebook: any, ignoreErrors: boolean = false) {
      const cells = notebook.content.model.cells;
      const kernel = notebook.sessionContext.session?.kernel;

      if (!kernel) {
        console.error('No kernel available');

      for (let i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
        const cell = notebook.content.widgets[i];
        if (cell.model.type === 'code') {
          try {
            await NotebookActions.runCell(notebook.content, cell);
            await enrichCell(cell, kernel);
          } catch (error) {
            console.error(`Error in cell ${i}:`, error);
            if (!ignoreErrors) {

    // Add menu items
        command: 'notebook:run-all-cells-enriched'
        command: 'notebook:run-all-cells-enriched-ignore-errors'

    // Add commands
    app.commands.addCommand('notebook:run-all-cells-enriched', {
      label: 'Run All Cells (Enriched)',
      execute: () => {
        const notebook = notebookTracker.currentWidget;
        if (notebook) {

    app.commands.addCommand('notebook:run-all-cells-enriched-ignore-errors', {
      label: 'Run All Cells (Enriched, Ignore Errors)',
      execute: () => {
        const notebook = notebookTracker.currentWidget;
        if (notebook) {
          runAllCellsEnriched(notebook, true);

export default plugin;
psychemedia commented 4 days ago

The _temp thing is wrong, we need to return _temp to reset the _ value. And then it'll hang around. Use a var name with a likely unique name?

After a bit of hassling, claude suggested;

const uniqueId = `_output_type_metadata_${Date.now()}_${Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9)}`;` 

used as e.g. ${uniqueId}_temp = _

I suggested a uuid solution and it gave:

__output_type_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '_')