ouseful-PR / nbval

A py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks
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nbval command to compare notebooks executed in two environments #13

Open psychemedia opened 1 week ago

psychemedia commented 1 week ago

If we have run the same notebook in two environments, it would be useful to be able to compare them.

This doesn't require nbval to execute notebooks, just take two pre-run notebooks with the same input cells and then compare their outputs.

Claude.ai suggests:

import pytest
import nbformat
from nbval.plugin import IPyNbCell, coalesce_streams, transform_streams_for_comparison

class DualNotebookFile(pytest.File):
    def __init__(self, fspath, parent, reference_path):
        super().__init__(fspath, parent)
        self.reference_path = reference_path

    def collect(self):
        ref_nb = nbformat.read(self.reference_path, as_version=4)
        test_nb = nbformat.read(str(self.fspath), as_version=4)

        for cell_num, (ref_cell, test_cell) in enumerate(zip(ref_nb.cells, test_nb.cells)):
            if ref_cell.cell_type == 'code' and test_cell.cell_type == 'code':
                yield DualNotebookCell.from_parent(
                    name=f"Cell {cell_num}", 

class DualNotebookCell(IPyNbCell):
    def __init__(self, name, parent, cell_num, ref_cell, test_cell):
        super().__init__(name, parent, cell_num, test_cell, {})
        self.ref_cell = ref_cell

    def runtest(self):
        ref_outputs = coalesce_streams(self.ref_cell.outputs)
        test_outputs = coalesce_streams(self.test_cell.outputs)

        if not self.compare_outputs(test_outputs, ref_outputs):
                "Cell outputs differ",

def pytest_collect_file(file_path, parent):
    if file_path.suffix == ".ipynb" and parent.config.getoption("--compare-notebooks"):
        reference_path = parent.config.getoption("--reference-notebook")
        return DualNotebookFile.from_parent(parent, fspath=file_path, reference_path=reference_path)

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    group = parser.getgroup("notebook_comparison")
        help="Compare two pre-executed notebooks"
        help="Path to the reference notebook"

with commentary:

This approach:

  • Introduces a new --compare-notebooks option to enable this mode.
  • Adds a --reference-notebook option to specify the path to the reference notebook.
  • Creates a DualNotebookFile collector that reads both notebooks.
  • For each code cell, creates a DualNotebookCell test item.

The runtest method of DualNotebookCell extracts outputs from both notebooks and compares them using the existing compare_outputs method.

To use this, you would run pytest like: pytest --compare-notebooks --reference-notebook=path/to/reference.ipynb path/to/test.ipynb

psychemedia commented 1 week ago

I prompted Clause:

pytest /nbval lets me run tests against all notebooks on a path as well as specifying a single named notebook. Could the above be modified to allow me to compare notebooks on one path with notebooks on another (the notebooks would have the same child paths and filenames)

import pytest
import nbformat
from pathlib import Path
from nbval.plugin import IPyNbCell, coalesce_streams, transform_streams_for_comparison

class DualNotebookFile(pytest.File):
    def __init__(self, fspath, parent, reference_path):
        super().__init__(fspath, parent)
        self.reference_path = reference_path

    def collect(self):
        ref_nb = nbformat.read(self.reference_path, as_version=4)
        test_nb = nbformat.read(str(self.fspath), as_version=4)

        for cell_num, (ref_cell, test_cell) in enumerate(zip(ref_nb.cells, test_nb.cells)):
            if ref_cell.cell_type == 'code' and test_cell.cell_type == 'code':
                yield DualNotebookCell.from_parent(
                    name=f"Cell {cell_num}", 

class DualNotebookCell(IPyNbCell):
    def __init__(self, name, parent, cell_num, ref_cell, test_cell):
        super().__init__(name, parent, cell_num, test_cell, {})
        self.ref_cell = ref_cell

    def runtest(self):
        ref_outputs = coalesce_streams(self.ref_cell.outputs)
        test_outputs = coalesce_streams(self.test_cell.outputs)

        if not self.compare_outputs(test_outputs, ref_outputs):
                "Cell outputs differ",

def pytest_collect_file(file_path, parent):
    if file_path.suffix == ".ipynb" and parent.config.getoption("--compare-notebook-dirs"):
        reference_dir = Path(parent.config.getoption("--reference-dir"))
        test_dir = Path(parent.config.getoption("--test-dir"))

        # Calculate the relative path of the current notebook
        relative_path = file_path.relative_to(test_dir)

        # Construct the path to the corresponding reference notebook
        reference_path = reference_dir / relative_path

        if reference_path.exists():
            return DualNotebookFile.from_parent(parent, fspath=file_path, reference_path=reference_path)
            print(f"Warning: No matching reference notebook found for {file_path}")
            return None

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    group = parser.getgroup("notebook_comparison")
        help="Compare notebooks in two directories"
        help="Path to the directory containing reference notebooks"
        help="Path to the directory containing test notebooks"

def pytest_configure(config):
    if config.getoption("--compare-notebook-dirs"):
        # Ensure both directories are provided
        if not config.getoption("--reference-dir") or not config.getoption("--test-dir"):
            raise pytest.UsageError("Both --reference-dir and --test-dir must be specified when using --compare-notebook-dirs")

This modified version:

Introduces new options:

--compare-notebook-dirs: Enables the notebook directory comparison mode --reference-dir: Specifies the directory containing reference notebooks --test-dir: Specifies the directory containing test notebooks

In pytest_collect_file, we now: Calculate the relative path of each test notebook Construct the corresponding path in the reference directory Only create a DualNotebookFile if a matching reference notebook exists

We've added a pytest_configure hook to ensure both directory paths are provided when using this mode.

To use this, you would run pytest like: pytest --compare-notebook-dirs --reference-dir=path/to/reference/notebooks --test-dir=path/to/test/notebooks This command will:

  • Recursively find all notebooks in the test directory For each test notebook, look for a corresponding notebook in the reference directory If a matching reference notebook is found, compare their outputs

This approach allows you to compare entire directory structures of notebooks, matching them by their relative paths. It maintains the ability to compare individual notebooks while adding the functionality to compare entire directories.

psychemedia commented 1 week ago

Prompting Claude for a way of allowing me to call nbval as in the original case, or to compare two files, or similalry named files on two paths, it suggests:

import pytest
import nbformat
from pathlib import Path
from nbval.plugin import IPyNbFile, IPyNbCell, coalesce_streams

class DualNotebookFile(pytest.File):
    def __init__(self, fspath, parent, reference_path):
        super().__init__(fspath, parent)
        self.reference_path = reference_path

    def collect(self):
        ref_nb = nbformat.read(self.reference_path, as_version=4)
        test_nb = nbformat.read(str(self.fspath), as_version=4)

        for cell_num, (ref_cell, test_cell) in enumerate(zip(ref_nb.cells, test_nb.cells)):
            if ref_cell.cell_type == 'code' and test_cell.cell_type == 'code':
                yield DualNotebookCell.from_parent(
                    name=f"Cell {cell_num}", 

class DualNotebookCell(IPyNbCell):
    def __init__(self, name, parent, cell_num, ref_cell, test_cell):
        super().__init__(name, parent, cell_num, test_cell, {})
        self.ref_cell = ref_cell

    def runtest(self):
        ref_outputs = coalesce_streams(self.ref_cell.outputs)
        test_outputs = coalesce_streams(self.test_cell.outputs)

        if not self.compare_outputs(test_outputs, ref_outputs):
                "Cell outputs differ",

def pytest_collect_file(file_path, parent):
    if file_path.suffix == ".ipynb":
        config = parent.config
        if config.getoption("--nbval"):
            # Original nbval functionality
            return IPyNbFile.from_parent(parent, fspath=file_path)
        elif config.getoption("--compare-notebooks"):
            # Compare two specific notebooks
            reference_path = config.getoption("--reference-notebook")
            return DualNotebookFile.from_parent(parent, fspath=file_path, reference_path=reference_path)
        elif config.getoption("--compare-notebook-dirs"):
            # Compare similarly named files on two paths
            reference_dir = Path(config.getoption("--reference-dir"))
            test_dir = Path(config.getoption("--test-dir"))
            relative_path = file_path.relative_to(test_dir)
            reference_path = reference_dir / relative_path
            if reference_path.exists():
                return DualNotebookFile.from_parent(parent, fspath=file_path, reference_path=reference_path)
                print(f"Warning: No matching reference notebook found for {file_path}")
                return None

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    group = parser.getgroup("notebook_comparison")

    # Original nbval option
    group.addoption("--nbval", action="store_true", help="Validate jupyter notebooks")

    # Options for comparing two specific notebooks
    group.addoption("--compare-notebooks", action="store_true", help="Compare two specific notebooks")
    group.addoption("--reference-notebook", help="Path to the reference notebook")

    # Options for comparing notebooks in two directories
    group.addoption("--compare-notebook-dirs", action="store_true", help="Compare notebooks in two directories")
    group.addoption("--reference-dir", help="Path to the directory containing reference notebooks")
    group.addoption("--test-dir", help="Path to the directory containing test notebooks")

def pytest_configure(config):
    if config.getoption("--compare-notebooks") and not config.getoption("--reference-notebook"):
        raise pytest.UsageError("--reference-notebook must be specified when using --compare-notebooks")

    if config.getoption("--compare-notebook-dirs"):
        if not config.getoption("--reference-dir") or not config.getoption("--test-dir"):
            raise pytest.UsageError("Both --reference-dir and --test-dir must be specified when using --compare-notebook-dirs")

pytest --nbval pytest --compare-notebooks --reference-notebook=path/to/reference.ipynb path/to/test.ipynb pytest --compare-notebook-dirs --reference-dir=path/to/reference/notebooks --test-dir=path/to/test/notebooks