oushu1zhangxiangxuan1 / drools_pre_research

Pre-research Drools
Apache License 2.0
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fireUntilHalt bugs #23

Open oushu1zhangxiangxuan1 opened 4 years ago

oushu1zhangxiangxuan1 commented 4 years ago

//but Entry only match once !? and the first insert p1 not triggered.
    //        Entry!
    //        Hello p2
    //        Grow p2 to 2
    //        Hello p1
    //        Grow p1 to 1
    //        Hello p2
    //        Grow p2 to 2
    //        Hello p1
    //        Grow p1 to 1
    //        Hello p2
    //        Grow p2 to 2
    //        Hello p1
    //        Grow p1 to 1
    //        Hello p2
    //        Grow p2 to 2
    //        Hello p1
    //        Grow p1 to 1