oushujun / EDTA

Extensive de-novo TE Annotator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The statistical results of the EDTA.TEanno.gff3 and the EDTA.TEanno.sum are inconsistent. #398

Closed zy66-su closed 8 months ago

zy66-su commented 8 months ago

Thank you for providing a very useful annotation tool. I am confused about the result file output by EDTA. There are some differences between the EDTA.TEanno.sum and the final EDTA.TEanno.gff3, and the results in gff are counted more than those in the sum file. May I ask what is the reason for this, and which file is used to calculate the EDTA.TEanno.sum results? image

oushujun commented 8 months ago


The sum file is produced by EDTA/util/buildSummary.pl adapted from RepeatMasker, which is not a simple count on the number of lines. The script considers nested insertion and fragmentation. Please refer to RepeatMasker's developer site for more information.


zy66-su commented 8 months ago


The sum file is produced by EDTA/util/buildSummary.pl adapted from RepeatMasker, which is not a simple count on the number of lines. The script considers nested insertion and fragmentation. Please refer to RepeatMasker's developer site for more information.


Thanks for your reply, it's very helpful to me.