oushujun / EDTA

Extensive de-novo TE Annotator
GNU General Public License v3.0
315 stars 70 forks source link

2024-01-30 02:12:48,620 -WARNING- Grid computing is not available because DRMAA not configured properly: #425

Closed mirror110 closed 4 months ago

mirror110 commented 4 months ago

Hi, I used EDTA to screen the whole genome sequences, while I received some warning information as following:

2024-01-30 02:12:48,620 -WARNING- Grid computing is not available because DRMAA not configured properly: Could not find drmaa library. Please specify its full path using the environment variable DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH

/public2/home/mambaforge/envs/EDTA/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Bio/Seq.py:2338: BiopythonWarning: Partial codon, len(sequence) not a multiple of three. Explicitly trim the sequence or add trailing N before translation. This may become an error in future.

How should I deal with these issues ?


oushujun commented 4 months ago

That’s a warning message from TEsorter, you may just ignore it. It’s fine.


On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 8:35 PM Guess @.***> wrote:

Hi, I used EDTA to screen the whole genome sequences, while I received some warning information as following:

2024-01-30 02:12:48,620 -WARNING- Grid computing is not available because DRMAA not configured properly: Could not find drmaa library. Please specify its full path using the environment variable DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH

/public2/home/mambaforge/envs/EDTA/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Bio/Seq.py:2338: BiopythonWarning: Partial codon, len(sequence) not a multiple of three. Explicitly trim the sequence or add trailing N before translation. This may become an error in future.

How should I deal with these issues ?


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