Closed emalherbi-zz closed 9 years ago
Hi, pal ... something wired probably it comes from grunt ... i will check soon ...
thks !
Hi pal, now you can try to use your own encoding using the encoding flag:
It uses uft-8 by default (, you could try something like:
patterns: [
match: 'foo',
replacement: 'bar' // replaces "@@foo" to "bar"
encoding: 'ascii'
I wait for your feedback ... thks !
Hey man,
Not work's. See :(
Configuração do SQL Server
Configuragco do SQL Server
But it is not necessary to change anything, I made changes in my original file and removed the accentuation.
oups bad news, you could try another encoding ... we delegate encoding logic to grunt core ... it might be work
you could try:
patterns: [
match: 'foo',
replacement: 'bar' // replaces "@@foo" to "bar"
encoding: 'iso-8859-1'
Hey man,
It's work.
I have a file "install.iss" in ANSI codification, this file is generated automatic. So if a replace the file "install.iss" using "grunt-replace" the new file codification is UTF8, but some erros show in file, see example:
Is possible to use only ANSI format in this case?