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@auth rule based on external types #10

Open jdgamble555 opened 2 years ago

jdgamble555 commented 2 years ago

The final missing Auth Rule, is an Auth Rule based on External Types.

This is probably the easiest to fix.

Let's say I have a post:

type Post @auth(...) {
   id: ID!
   title: String!

If I want to allow an Admin to edit this post, I have to use JWT. I should be able to edit the link by making a rule directly from the database instead.

type Post @auth(
# Only let an Admin delete pages
  delete: { rule: """
    query ($username: String!) {
      queryUser(filter {
        username: { eq: $username },
        roles: { eq: Admin }
      }) {
  """ }
) {
  id: ID!
  title: String!

Something like this would be the expected way the Auth Rules would work, however, I can only create rules based on the current type.

This should be allowed by default.


Anthony created a complicated work-around, but this should not be necessary:
