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Depreciate DQL with Nested Filters and ... ? #12

Open jdgamble555 opened 2 years ago

jdgamble555 commented 2 years ago

As much as I love DQL's capabilities, it would greatly simplify Outserv if it only had only one query language. That being said, we don't want to lose features.

Nested Filters

Nested filters are a complicated matter, but they seem to solve all the cases where you want to use var to search for something, and do something with the results. I believe if nested filters were done right, getting rid of dql would not be a problem. However, ALL nested filters use cases would have to be solved.


query {
   comment1 as var(func:type(Post)) @cascade {
      Post.comment : Post.comment @filter( eq(comment.type, "excellent") AND gt(comment.likes,5) ) {

   post1 as var(func:type(Author)) @cascade {
      Author.posts : Author.posts @filter(eq(Post.title, "Dgraph") OR uid(comment1)) {

   friends1 as var(func:type(Author)) @cascade {
      Author.friends : Author.friends @filter((eq(Author.name, "Bob"))) {

   queryAuthor(func: type(Author)) @filter((uid(friends1) OR (eq(Author.name,"Alice") AND uid(post1)))) {
         Author.name : Author.name
         dgraph.uid : uid

The follower feed which is impossible in many database languages like noSQL:



The biggest concern seems to be upserts. While technically DGraph's GraphQL currently has a type of upsert:


Anthony's use case - https://discordapp.com/channels/826644093881942026/943970902650028102/946855151103250463

This only covers the case where you may or may not have a record with an @id field, and you want to add / update it. This does not cover the case with an ID field in the record either.

However, the most useful case seems to be searching for multiple records, and doing something with them.

GraphQL Spec / Functions

You may need DQL to do things like math / string / date functions - https://neo4j.com/docs/cypher-manual/current/functions/

We do not want to break the GraphQL spec, or we end up with something like GraphQL+. We need Apollo Client or URQL Client to work, as it supports caching etc.

I'm sure there are more reasons and things to consider, but I think once nested filters are implemented on BOTH queries and mutations, most of them are solved.