outcoldman / docker-stats-splunk

Splunk Light with Docker Dashboards
MIT License
11 stars 15 forks source link

Project dead? #3

Open eko3alpha opened 7 years ago

eko3alpha commented 7 years ago

I'm going to assume that this project is dead.

Pulling splunk (outcoldman/docker-stats-splunk:latest)...
Pulling repository docker.io/outcoldman/docker-stats-splunk
ERROR: Error: image outcoldman/docker-stats-splunk:latest not found

I keep finding references for Splunk Light however nothing that works. There is even a blog about it on Splunk's own blog but it still doesn't work.


alvarow commented 7 years ago

I think it just moved to Splunk proper ... I have been trying: 6.5.2-monitor ... it mostly works, I am trying to run my own Splunk server on an instance instead of a container, and just the forwarder inside a container on ECS. I can't get the container names to resolve, most dashboard don't run, but I see what on the sources. I am thinking if I need anything other than docker-app on my Splunk instance (search header and indexer).

outcoldman commented 6 years ago

@alvarow @eko3alpha we have build a new more completed solutions to monitor docker and kubernetes https://www.outcoldsolutions.com please give it a try and let me know what you think.

alvarow commented 6 years ago

Who is we? and why are you spamming us?

outcoldman commented 6 years ago

@alvarow we - https://www.outcoldsolutions.com spamming? this is my repository under my account. I saw the question about the status of the project and provided cleared answer.

alvarow commented 6 years ago

I see now... perhaps you could be more clear about it, I tend no to follow spam... the reply certainly did fall into what I categorize as spam. Perhaps start with "Hey I opened I business around this, and other stuff similar to this". I'll check it out.


outcoldman commented 6 years ago

@alvarow yeah, that would be more clear! understood, thank you for feedback :)