outcomesinsights / generalized_data_model

Outcomes Insights' Data Model for Clinical Research
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Rename claims and lines tables #36

Closed marc-outins closed 7 years ago

marc-outins commented 8 years ago

Potentially rename claims and lines tables to something more generic to other types of data. Possibly encounters (lines) and grouped_encounters (claims).

markdanese commented 8 years ago

We should rename lines something like "related_details" and claims something like "grouped_records". it is possible, but not required, that we can group related details.

Clinical details and clinical conditions can be related to each other using related details. So, systolic and diastolic blood pressure could be connected together. Diagnoses and procedures can be connected together ("related details"). And sets of clinical codes (diagnoses, procedures, etc) and clinical details (labs, and other observations) can all be linked together ("grouped_records").

markdanese commented 8 years ago

Suggest that "lines" becomes "provenance" because all related information has the same provenance. To be clear, by provenance, we are referring to file, place of service, and type. Note that prescription refills can be considered lines. For example, in CPRD, a set of prescription refills are grouped together by prescription number and each refill is identified by number. Will need to change "position" in the "clinical_codes" to be "seq_num" (sequence number) to allow for other items to be enumerated.

Suggest that "claims" becomes "collections" because these are collections of lines. Collections will primarily be claims for billing data, or visits for EHR data.

This enables us to remove the "claim_id" from the clinical_codes table. All clinical codes MUST have an associated provenance and collection.

(All of this is open for discussion, of course.)

markdanese commented 7 years ago

closing since we settled on "contexts" and "collections".