outdoorbits / little-backup-box

This software turns a single-board computer into a versatile, pocket-sized backup solution. Especially for digital photography, this is the solution for backing up images and media files on mass storage devices when traveling or at events. Media content can be viewed and rated for the subsequent process.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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External EXT4 HDD will not be mounted #157

Closed Owz81 closed 2 years ago

Owz81 commented 2 years ago

NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 1.8T 0 disk -sda1 8:1 0 1.8T 0 part mmcblk0 179:0 0 59.6G 0 disk |-mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 256M 0 part /boot -mmcblk0p2 179:2 0 59.4G 0 part /

Owz81 commented 2 years ago


outdoorbits commented 2 years ago

Would you please describe exactly, what you tried on LBB and how you got the output you posted?

Owz81 commented 2 years ago

Automated Backup Source to etx Storage. Display says connect Storage. Than I connect this. Display says Storage Size is 59GB ???? And on http connection it says what I posted. If I connet Source it will start Backup but wirting no Data to Storage. I don't know were the data is wirten because, all den Data is gone after Restart.

If I mount the HDD via ssh, manual I can write and read from the HDD, no problem, but it doesn't happen automated via Applikation!

outdoorbits commented 2 years ago

Would you please set loglevel to maximum, reboot for automated backup and send the logfile? Also please connect your device, in tools do a checkdisk and if it detects an error, start a repair process. Can you mount the device using tools? Can you access it by the filemanager then? Do you have read/write access?

Owz81 commented 2 years ago

Yes if I mount it manualy I can write and read files! Also with the http file browser. You will find some Logs from Backup Box and a ssh-log in the attachment.

ssh.log little-backup-box (2).log little-backup-box (1).log little-backup-box.log

outdoorbits commented 2 years ago

Just reproduced the problem. It seems to be a problem associated to ext4. If you need a quick solution, just format your device as fat. I'll try to fix this problem, but this will maybe take a few days.

Owz81 commented 2 years ago

Ok i will try EXT3 and ExFAT the next days. I will let you know how it works, But a sulution for EXT4 would be nice!

Owz81 commented 2 years ago

Hmm with fat it reaks even more stange. .. little-backup-box (4).log .

outdoorbits commented 2 years ago

Please run an update (Settings - Update). I just added support for ext2, ext3, ext4, exfat and ntfs. My checks ran successfully.

Owz81 commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue with fat32 als befor. I will try a clean new setup today in the evening than we know more!

outdoorbits commented 2 years ago

Please check also your partitions (use Tools). fat32 should not be a problem. What type of device are you using?

outdoorbits commented 2 years ago

Without a log it is hard to guess the problem. ;-)

Owz81 commented 2 years ago

Log file 4 is the same as it behaved like bevor the Update. I will try a new install now!

Owz81 commented 2 years ago

OK now it works! There was no DCIM folder on the SD-Card just some picturs for try. I will make a try with EXT4 latest tomorrow!

Owz81 commented 2 years ago

Every thing works fine now. Many thank's to all contributors of this project and to autdoorbits for the fast fix! I will write some lines in the discussions when I'm back from Namibia!