outdoorbits / little-backup-box

This software turns a single-board computer into a versatile, pocket-sized backup solution. Especially for digital photography, this is the solution for backing up images and media files on mass storage devices when traveling or at events. Media content can be viewed and rated for the subsequent process.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cant get box to automount drives. #186

Closed Nuramori closed 1 year ago

Nuramori commented 1 year ago

No matter what I try, even reimaging the os and reinstalling the software, I can't get the device to automount any SD card nor storage device. I've cleanly formatted the target device, and nothing seems to work. I'm not sure where to start with diagnosing the problem. Power is fine, and it even worked, once, but I can't get it to do it again.

outdoorbits commented 1 year ago

What did you try? What is your source, a storage or a camera/smartphone? Did you setup a standard backup method? What if you start a backup USB to internal storage or another USB? Can you post the logfile?

Nuramori commented 1 year ago

I am writing from an SD to portable HDD. I am using the standard external source to target, and have tried multiple types of USB devices. Nothing shows up as a mountable device.

Using lsblk, no SDA nor SDB devices show up.

outdoorbits commented 1 year ago

You are using a RPi 4, raspbian lite? Can you mount this devices using the same cables to a PC?

Nuramori commented 1 year ago

I'm using a pi zero 2 W with the uugear 4 port usb hat. running raspian lite. I can mount the devices on a PC.

outdoorbits commented 1 year ago

I never tried but there are reports, it's working on this platform. Trivial idea: USB and power are not reversed? Could you log in (terminal), connect a storage device and check with lsblk ? Please post the message. What's the filesystem type of your devices?

Nuramori commented 1 year ago

sd is fat, hdd is exfat. USB and power aren't reversed, as the system boots up fine. Plugging in any USB results in no connection.

NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT mmcblk0 179:0 0 59.5G 0 disk ├─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 256M 0 part /boot └─mmcblk0p2 179:2 0 59.2G 0 part /

outdoorbits commented 1 year ago

Your USB hub isn't powered, right? Most times things like that are a power problem. Do you see your SD card when HDD is disconnected?

Nuramori commented 1 year ago

Issue resolved. Fully user error. The connecting pins were not touching the pads correctly. Everything working as designed now - thanks!