outdoorbits / little-backup-box

This software turns a single-board computer into a versatile, pocket-sized backup solution. Especially for digital photography, this is the solution for backing up images and media files on mass storage devices when traveling or at events. Media content can be viewed and rated for the subsequent process.
GNU General Public License v3.0
504 stars 103 forks source link

Update via SSH from Windows Gets Wrong Keyboard Inputs #315

Closed macmcb closed 1 month ago

macmcb commented 1 month ago

When I try to update LBB via SSH from Windows 10, the resulting screen does not interpret keyboard inputs correctly. Example (see screen image): I hit Up-Arrow key and "^[[A" appears on the screen (instead of moving the selected item up). I get the same problem using SSH via both Powershell and Cmd.exe)

The pi is connected by wifi, and I am logged in as user "pi". I then run the installation command provided in the installation instructions. In this case, I am updating--not clean install--but you have said this same command should work in update mode if LBB is already installed. branch='main'; curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/outdoorbits/little-backup-box/${branch}/install-little-backup-box.sh | bash -s -- ${branch} 2> install-error.log

Result after I press a few up- and down-arrows and number keys: image

outdoorbits commented 1 month ago

The keyboard issue should not be relevant because the asked decision should never pop up. The decision should be forced to use the old config. I just ran the update/install command without any issue. Please provide more information. Are you using bookworm? Are there any other modifications on this system excepted lbb?

macmcb commented 1 month ago

Running Bookworm and LBB. No other modifications. Only changes to settings via the LBB Settings screen.

outdoorbits commented 1 month ago

Could you publish your install-error.log?

outdoorbits commented 1 month ago

... and did you try to update via web UI (Settings - update)?

macmcb commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the assistance.

install-error.log is empty ($ cat install-error.log and $ nano install-error.log). The date on the file is 13 July ($ ls -l). Not sure, but this could have been the last time I tried to run Update from the Settings page.

Just tried Settings > Update again. The inset frame shows

Internal Server Error ... More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Apache/2.4.59 (Debian) Server at raspberrypi.local Port 80

Edit: July 13 file date was due to the clock on the Pi not being synchronized.

outdoorbits commented 1 month ago

I can not reproduce this at all. Strange. Maybe there is any damage on your installation. Did you try a completely new installation, maybe on another SD card? I can update here both ways without any problems and I'll do another new installation test later.

outdoorbits commented 1 month ago

A new installation ran just now without any problems.

macmcb commented 1 month ago

It makes sense that the problem has something to do with my system or LBB settings--something that changed after the initial install. I will do a clean install and report if/when the update problems happen again.

outdoorbits commented 1 month ago

Please report in any case.

macmcb commented 1 month ago

Clean install on a different SD card seems to be working fine. My keyboard inputs worked as expected. I changed a few settings in the LBB web interface, then issued the install command again via SSH, and it ran in update mode as expected. I plan to reformat and reinstall LBB on the problem SD card to test and possibly use as a backup when I travel. I think you can close this issue. I'll let you know if the problem happens again.

As always, thank you for your help and for LBB.

outdoorbits commented 1 month ago

Very good! Having at least a second working SD card is always a good idea. In bad luck situation linux could be not bootable anymore after a simple power cut. You might be luck if you just have to exchange the card ...