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Critical bug: allowance storage slot can be override with a transfer operation #5

Open yaronvel opened 2 years ago

yaronvel commented 2 years ago

transfer and transferFrom do not check that to does not exceed 20 bytes. As a result, malicious transfer operation can override allowance slot.

The following test pass:

  function testRug() public {
    address bob = address(0x123);
    address alice = address(0x456);

    uint allowanceSlot = uint(keccak256(abi.encode(bob, alice)));
    assertEq(token.allowance(bob, alice), 0);   
    address(token).call(      abi.encodePacked(bytes4(keccak256(bytes("transfer(address,uint256)"))), allowanceSlot, uint(1))      );
    assertEq(token.allowance(bob, alice), 1);
outdoteth commented 2 years ago

Awesome find. I think the cheapest fix is this:

PUSH32 (1 << 160) - 1 PUSH 0x04 CALLDATALOAD AND



I think you can CALLDATACOPY the addy too but that puts it in memory which is more expensive.

yaronvel commented 2 years ago

Do you assume that the result of the hash will never have all 12 leading bytes zero? It is somewhat reasonable, but very non trivial assumption.

If you want to avoid this assumption, you can store balances at even storage slots, and allowances at odds slots (just multiply by 2 and add 1 for odd slots).

outdoteth commented 2 years ago


Ok that is obviously more robust. I don’t think my assumption was reasonable actually. Say Bob has not approved Alice. Alice can mine for an address that would result in an allowance storage slot which has 12 leading zeroes. Not sure if that’s in the realm of possibility but I think it might be.

yaronvel commented 2 years ago

Maybe this is more efficient (playing with bit 255 instead of bit 0)

For balance storage slot:

PUSH32 0x7FFFF....F // (all bits are set beside bit 255)

For allowance storage slot:

PUSH32 0x8000...0 // (bit 255 is set. the rest are 0)

From what I get PUSH32 cost the same as PUSH1 (in runtime, deployment costs are higher). AND and OR are cheaper than MUL. And it saves two ops for allowance slot calculation.

outdoteth commented 2 years ago

Nice. What’s the reason for marking the 255 bit instead of the 0 bit? Is it so that you don’t lose 1 bit on the address?

yaronvel commented 2 years ago

Yes. But might be ok to mask bit 0 if it helps somehow. To save a bit of deployment gas can mask bit 160 instead of 255.