outer-labs / react-forge-viewer

React component wrapper for Autodesk's Forge Viewer
MIT License
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The requested manifest urn is invalid #18

Open Lmy-freshman opened 3 years ago

Lmy-freshman commented 3 years ago

When I tried to insert a viewer into my react web app, I got an error like this: viewer issue2 And I check the response, it looks like this: viewer issue3

Which urn or what format of the urn should I use ?

viewer issue

doninpr commented 2 years ago

You should get specific version of the file and takes URN from relationships.derivatives.data.id It will looks like "dXJuOmFkc2sub2JqZWN0czpvcy5vYmplY3Q6bW9kZWxkZXJpdmF0aXZlL0E1LnppcA". But use it without "urn:"