outerbase / sdk

Typescript ORM and automated model generation direct from your database schema. Supports Outerbase features for saved queries & AI.
MIT License
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Connection Factory #40

Open Brayden opened 3 months ago

Brayden commented 3 months ago


Currently the way the project is structured, each time we add support for a new connection type it requires the NPM packages to be included for all of them. Our goal is if a user comes to use our SDK and is only seeking to use, say Neon, then we only should require the installation of the Neon serverless driver via NPM.



const connection = await DatabaseFactory.createConnection(DatabaseType.Outerbase, {
        apiKey: 'INSERT_API_KEY'
    const db = Outerbase(connection);

    const { data, error } = await db
        .selectFrom([{ table: 'users', columns: ['*'] }])

