outerbounds / terraform-aws-metaflow

Deploy production-grade Metaflow cloud infrastructure on AWS
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Pb variables with instanciation of metaflow with eks aws #67

Open Rachine opened 1 year ago

Rachine commented 1 year ago


Thank you for these great ressources, I am trying to use and deploy meta flow on aws with kubernetes with these given instructions: https://github.com/outerbounds/terraform-aws-metaflow/tree/master/examples/eks_argo

When I generate my config, with terraform init, there is still the deprecated name for the db that is being generated .terraform/modules/metaflow-datastore/modules/datastore/rds.tf as fixed by: https://github.com/outerbounds/terraform-aws-metaflow/pull/65

I also have unsupported arguments:

27 enable_classiclink = var.enable_classiclink 28 enable_classiclink_dns_support = var.enable_classiclink_dns_support 1237 enable_classiclink = var.default_vpc_enable_classiclink

in the generated file .terraform/modules/vpc/main.tf

Did anyone encounter this issue also?

I modify directly these generated files by commenting on these lines and modifying the name to db_name (very bad practice I know). and it deployed correctly my metaflow stack.

Thank you

dfd commented 7 months ago

I also see these errors on the minimal example: https://github.com/outerbounds/terraform-aws-metaflow/tree/master/examples/minimal