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Conference in Boston! #748

Closed sholladay closed 5 years ago

sholladay commented 5 years ago

I am putting together a Node+hapi conference in Boston. The mission is to grow our community and teach each other the best ways to build apps and tools using Node, especially with hapi.

If you might be interested in coming, please fill out a short survey (only takes a minute or two). We will use your suggestions for planning and to gauge interest.

After that, the best thing you could do would be to join the organizing team and help plan the conference. We will continue to refine the goals and scope. We also need a website!

All ideas are welcome. Discuss below or find me in the hapi chat.

wswoodruff commented 5 years ago

@sholladay What do the results of the survey look like? Any other updates?

sholladay commented 5 years ago

The survey is still open, please do share the survey link!

Here are some highlights from the survey...

What topics are you most interested in?

The top 3 answers are:

  1. Advanced Node/hapi performance optimization, debugging, ops, etc.
  2. Security in the Node/hapi world
  3. Using npm, continuous integration, and other infrastructure

What type of format would you prefer?

Most people (73.7%) would prefer an unconference, which I described in the survey as "smaller, more personal venue and agenda, lots of discussion and Q&A".

When should it be?

The strongest consensus seems to be for May.

Which part of the week would you prefer?

There is a small to moderate preference for a weekday (63.2%).

How long should it be?

The vast majority want 2-3 days. 68.4% voted for 2 days, while 21.1% voted for 3 days

What amenities are important to you?

Most of the answers were utilitarian (i.e. good Wi-Fi, light, sound, seating). However, there was a very important request for hapi stickers. 😀

How much would you expect to pay?

There were a wide variety of answers. One person suggested $1,500. Another person thinks it should be free. But there is a clear consensus in the $300-400 range.

Would you like to help us organize and set up?

We have some volunteers! Those of you who said yes should contact me about how you'd like to help and we can start coordinating. I'll reach out to others as needed after that.

Would you like to speak? If so, what topic?

Lots of neat answers here! A few examples...

panbhatt commented 5 years ago

That's awesome stuff. I would really appreciate, if we can put up the slides/video/code on github/youtube. HapiJS is amazing and we have to make sure that with new async/await the tutorials should reach to the community. As myself, i search a lot for async await tutorials with boilerplate, but hard to find.

PazzaVlad commented 5 years ago

+1 for online slides/video )