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New logo? #68

Closed hueniverse closed 8 years ago

hueniverse commented 8 years ago

I think it's time. We are no longer using the Ren & Stimpy theme so maybe refresh the logo with something cleaner and more up to date?

nlf commented 8 years ago

interesting. let me talk to someone i know :)

AdriVanHoudt commented 8 years ago

Just make sure I can get stickers ;)

devinivy commented 8 years ago

adityabakle commented 8 years ago

same here :) sticker for me too

geek commented 8 years ago

We owe it to everyone to keep the logo fun loving.

Should we keep the same orange color we have on the site (#f6941e)? Do we fit the design into a hex?

kepano commented 8 years ago

We've enjoyed using hapi for lumi.com – let me know if we can contribute some stickers :)

davepoon commented 8 years ago

A minimalist logo could be a great option, which is easier to get people to remember. A great use of minimalist logo could convey the message of simplicity and reliability from the hapi framework. hapi could even define a new visual language, a brand redesign, not only the logo. Meteor.js is an great example to see the success of the redesign, which increase publicity around the framework. Please let me know if you need any of my design contribution ;)

jhrobles commented 8 years ago


How is this? I wasn't sure if you wanted to pull completely away from the helmet/Ren & Stimpy.

hueniverse commented 8 years ago

@jhrobles thanks! That's a great option. I'm sure people will have comments. I need to stare at it for a bit :-)

AdriVanHoudt commented 8 years ago

@jhrobles great job, personally I did like the detail of the current one, also it has more colors and the weird angle :P

nlf commented 8 years ago

I definitely like this simpler approach better than the old logo. I asked @jhrobles to come up with a few other non-helmet ideas too :)

AdriVanHoudt commented 8 years ago

I do like the helmet, and not against flat logos, I like the one from eslint a lot

paulovieira commented 8 years ago

Good work! I like it, but it's a bit too "clean", maybe... One thing I like in the current logo is the childish aspect.

Also, it immediately reminded me of the reddit logo. Anyone else too?

dylan-cromwell-sociomantic commented 8 years ago

@hueniverse from reading the thread I understood a logo has not yet been chosen. Thus, I let one of our Designers at Sociomantic know about this issue. They are very excited and whipping up a proposal logo for you now. I can't say precisely how long they need, maybe a couple of weeks?

vctrfrnndz commented 8 years ago

@hueniverse We use HapiJS in our projects at Auth0 and one of our team members told me you were looking for a logo. I tought I might have a go at it, this is my proposal: hapijs Kept the helmet to some extent, and humanized it a bit. Let me know what you guys think.

hueniverse commented 8 years ago

@vctrfrnndz nice! These are very cool. I am not sure keeping the helmet concept but going in another direction makes sense though. The existing helmet was from Ren and Stimpy Happy Happy Joy Joy song.

@dylan-cromwell-sociomantic would be cool to get more options, thanks!

dylan-cromwell-sociomantic commented 8 years ago

@vctrfrnndz yes those are very cool! Dig the calm, humble style and flat illustrative quality. Nice color schemes too!

@hueniverse yup will post the work from our Designer ASAP once it's ready. Thanks for the opportunity here!

Also, if you have anything specific you'd want me to pass along to the Designers, please let me know. They are very receptive to direction.

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago


Got inspired and came up with this today. It goes in a different direction than the helmet etc.

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago

hapilogopluginname2 Has space to brand hapijs plugins too.

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago


Changed the size proportions between the H and the api.

nlf commented 8 years ago

hmm.. i like the style of it, the only issue i take with any of these @zoe-1 is that we've already established that hapi is always all lowercase, so it seems weird to see the H capitalized

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago

hmmm.... that is an issue. @nlf Will put more thought into it. The capital H is more proportional so easier to design with.

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago

lower case concepts below: hapilowercaseeyesboxes

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago


eyes on angle

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago

hapilowercaseeyesstraight eyes straight ahead.

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago


zoe-1 commented 8 years ago

I think lowercase looks better :-)

@nlf what do you think?

arb commented 8 years ago

I think https://github.com/hapijs/contrib/issues/68#issuecomment-189572206 is my favorite of your recent posts; FWIW.

devinivy commented 8 years ago

@vctrfrnndz https://github.com/hapijs/contrib/issues/68#issuecomment-186426073 looks very nice!

I don't mind the helmet staying around, especially if it has a very different character (as in the logo referenced above). What do we think of the all-caps in that logo? The all-caps don't offend me, but we do typically stylize "hapi" to be entirely lowercase.

AdriVanHoudt commented 8 years ago

I also do like the helmet, and while cool ones by @zoe-1 and find them not too readable, could be me.

danielb2 commented 8 years ago

:+1: for jrohbles with https://github.com/hapijs/contrib/issues/68#issuecomment-173352864

Doesn't bring it too far from the original plot, and it's clean

devinivy commented 8 years ago

@vctrfrnndz mind if I play around with altering the type in your logos?

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago


zoe-1 commented 8 years ago


zoe-1 commented 8 years ago

Previous two logos are an attempt at a clean and pure look. No fuss no confusion.

vctrfrnndz commented 8 years ago

@devinivy Not at all, in fact I'll send over lowercase versions

vctrfrnndz commented 8 years ago

See these alternates, also tested out the concept on your website:



jamesdixon commented 8 years ago

@vctrfrnndz that looks mighty slick..well done!

kepano commented 8 years ago

@vctrfrnndz I like it! Can I make a minor suggestion? The logo should be facing right, it is a subtle change but suggests "looking forward" rather than looking back.


AdriVanHoudt commented 8 years ago

Oh wow I like the lowercasing!

semateos commented 8 years ago

@vctrfrnndz @kepano I like it - and, yeah, right facing is a big deal, it generally means "good guy" and "progress" - think super mario. Agree that the lowercase is better - a bit more friendly. In the single-color outline versions the variation in line-weight is a little odd-feeling in places - particularly the interaction between the antenna and the outer helmet line - I might play with that a bit. @vctrfrnndz would you post the vector file?

I really like the full color version and I think it could be a lot of fun to see it animated. For example, the helmet could have a visor that starts closed where and you can't see the face, it flips open to revel the face, the person nods or winks, and the antenna shifts up into position. Or, the antenna shifts (like the helmet has turned on) and then the eye goes from sad looking to insanely happy looking. Or something along those lines... any motion graphics people out there?

Anyway, really nice work!

vctrfrnndz commented 8 years ago

@kepano That's a really good point, already flipped the logos.


@semateos Sure, here's an SVG, final vector file may need some more work, but its good enough for a concept.


woloski commented 8 years ago

+1 to that logo. Looks beautiful. I want the sticker right now. Great job @vctrfrnndz

hueniverse commented 8 years ago

The problem with the logo from @vctrfrnndz is that while it is very well done,clean, and project the kind of professional image we want, it makes little sense. It took the helmet concept into a direction that just doesn't relate to the framework. The existing logo's helmet is from the happy happy joy joy episode of ren and stimpy. An astronaut helmet just doesn't have a thematic relation to this project.

It is a absolutely great logo. I just don't see how it fits this project.

vctrfrnndz commented 8 years ago

@hueniverse Totally understand, if I find time this week I will make another proposal.

Let me know if you or anybody else here have ideas or concepts for me to work off.

devinivy commented 8 years ago

Here are some core hapi-specific concepts that could have visual counterparts–

  1. Plugins and composition of "server-partials"
  2. Server extensions / the request lifecycle
  3. Configuration over code
AdriVanHoudt commented 8 years ago

@devinivy add predictability to that

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago


configuration centric hapi face. radial knobs for eyes. slider controller for mouth. Plus, custom hapi name text.

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago


Same as previous but with different font.

zoe-1 commented 8 years ago


hapi face to left of name. Positioned for branding at top left of page similar to github's octocat.