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Node v6 style guide #83

Closed hueniverse closed 5 years ago

hueniverse commented 8 years ago

It's time to review the upcoming features in node v6 and make any changes necessary to the style guide.

@cjihrig / @Marsup - care you give it a try again?

My plan is to move hapi core to use v6 as soon as it is out as the primary platform, and keep supporting v4 as LTS. Node v0.10 support ends June 1st.

mark-bradshaw commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure what all new features we can expect, but the only one I can think of is the spread operator.

mark-bradshaw commented 8 years ago

I guess we get new.target as well.

cjihrig commented 8 years ago

@mark-bradshaw Node v6 is actually coming with almost all of ES6 supported (see http://node.green/). The hard part is identifying the useful stuff vs. the crap, taking performance into consideration (see https://kpdecker.github.io/six-speed/), and deciding on style rules.

mark-bradshaw commented 8 years ago

Whoa. That's a lot more green than 5!

arb commented 8 years ago

@hueniverse is there anything that you're super for or against?

hueniverse commented 8 years ago

@arb nope. I'm open to anything that's properly optimized and makes things clearer or simpler.

geek commented 8 years ago

Default Parameters

Should have a single space between the =.

const fn = (isParam = true) => { };

What about if you assign an object to the parameter, how would you space that?

const fn = (options = {
  isParam: true,
  foo: 'bar'
}) => {

    if (options.isParam) {
    // do something

Or require it as a separate variable?

const defaultOptions =  {
  isParam: true,
  foo: 'bar'

const fn = (options = defaultOptions) => {

    if (options.isParam) {
    // do something
Marsup commented 8 years ago

That's not the same behavior, those are not cloned, in the 2nd case if you modify it the next default won't be the same.

geek commented 8 years ago

@Marsup what am I doing wrong here:

'use strict';

const defaultOptions = {
  foo: 'bar'

const fn = (options = defaultOptions) => {

fn({ foo: 'hello' });
fn({ bar: 'foo' });


{ foo: 'bar' }
{ foo: 'hello' }
{ foo: 'bar' }
{ bar: 'foo' }
{ foo: 'bar' }
cjihrig commented 8 years ago

What are you expecting?

geek commented 8 years ago

Was trying to give an example of what @Marsup was saying, wasn't clear to me.

Marsup commented 8 years ago

The keyword was "modify" ;)

Try that :

const fn = (options = defaultOptions) => {
  options.baz = 'qux';
geek commented 8 years ago

@Marsup I was modifying on the otherside, thanks... updated:

'use strict';

const defaultOptions = {
  foo: 'bar'

const fn = (options = defaultOptions) => {
  options.bag = 'boy';

const fn2 = (options = defaultOptions) => {

fn({ foo: 'hello' });
fn({ bar: 'foo' });


{ foo: 'bar', bag: 'boy' }
{ foo: 'hello', bag: 'boy' }
{ bar: 'foo', bag: 'boy' }
{ foo: 'bar', bag: 'boy' }

In that case, we should add the following rule:

Default parameters

// Right
const fn = (options = {
  isParam: true,
  foo: 'bar'
}) => {

    if (options.isParam) {
    // do something

// Wrong
const defaultOptions = {
  isParam: true,
  foo: 'bar'
const fn = (options = defaultOptions) => {

    if (options.isParam) {
    // do something

// Right
const defaultOptions = {
  isParam: true,
  foo: 'bar'
const fn1 = (options = Hoek.clone(defaultOptions)) => {

    if (options.isParam) {
    // do something

const fn2 = (options = Hoek.clone(defaultOptions)) => {

    if (options.foo) {
    // do something
arb commented 8 years ago

I don't think we'd want to even include the Hoek.clone option. That's an expensive operation to do.

geek commented 8 years ago

@arb agreed, wanted to provide options here. So, only assign new objects if assigning an object. Everything should be inlined.

kpdecker commented 8 years ago

I've personally had a number of issues with the distinction between how default options are handled for the no object case vs. the empty object case. i.e.

const fn2 = (options = {foo: 1, bar: 1}) {};
fn2({bar: 2});

In the later case, you are silently resetting foo from the "default" to undefined. Usually I intend to only change bar and maintain the default behavior of foo, but this is not what happens. As a consequence of this, I've moved away from using defaults for objects for anything other than (options = {}) and then implement the default behaviors via other mechanisms, for each flag/key.

kpdecker commented 8 years ago

Have added six-speed numbers for Node 6. http://kpdecker.github.io/six-speed/

cjihrig commented 8 years ago

Based on the numbers, I'm hugely in favor replacing arguments with rest params. The only style question is spacing around .... I'd vote , ...arg).

cjihrig commented 8 years ago

@hueniverse there are a lot of ES6 features, but other than rest params, nothing I feel very moved by. A few notes:

I'd also like to hear from others on features that they like/dislike.

mark-bradshaw commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the numbers @kpdecker. Based on that rest params does seem like a huge win, and I think it would be a good addition. I mostly agree with Colin, except I do like destructuring. I think it often makes code easier to read and shorter. I'm in favor. Otherwise, I like spread, simple use of default params, and really like template literals.

hueniverse commented 8 years ago

I would allow but not require features that have no negative performance impact. We should list them.

Can we just completely disallow arguments with a lint rule?

cjihrig commented 8 years ago

Can we just completely disallow arguments with a lint rule?

Yes, http://eslint.org/docs/rules/prefer-rest-params.

cjihrig commented 8 years ago

Based on the latest six-speed numbers, these are the things that aren't currently in the style guide, which don't come with a performance hit:

These are the things that aren't currently in the style guide, which still have performance issues:

devinivy commented 8 years ago

Template strings are good as long as they don't contain complex expressions– I think we already use/prefer them specifically when concatenation would need to be used with single-quotes. Otherwise single-quotes are preferred.

Also, we already use Map/Set now (at least in hoek). I think they can be useful– you know when you need it and when you don't. I also don't think usage of Map/Set really needs to go in the styleguide.

Classes are fine. The performance hit is fairly superficial, given that classes aren't generally created in hot code-paths. They are currently used in hapi sparingly.

hueniverse commented 8 years ago

I would call out features that should not be used in "runtime" code vs "setup" code. For example, today we allow optional arguments only in setup code but not in runtime code (hence methods that require an empty options argument).

devinivy commented 8 years ago

I suggest we just choose the features that we want to allow then make notes about the ones that should not be used in runtime code, along with what their more performant alternatives are. Over time (as the features become more performant) hopefully we'll be able to remove those notes. In the case of classes, we probably don't even need to make such a note.