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default value not displayed if false #168

Closed firsttris closed 7 years ago

firsttris commented 7 years ago

hello, if a default value is false it will not be displayed. Is this the desired behavior?


'deleted': Joi.boolean().default(false)

Row in Template


Possible Solution

{{#isDefined this.flags.default}}
     <dt class="default-value">Default value</dt>
     <dd class="default-value">{{json this.flags.default}}</dd>

// isDefined.js
module.exports = function (a, opts) {
  if (a === undefined || a === null) {
    return opts.inverse(this);

  return opts.fn(this);

best regards Tristan

Marsup commented 7 years ago

Close but I chose to re-use a helper that was already there, thanks for the bug report and analysis !