outofcopyright / outofcopyright-website

Website components for OutOfCopyright.eu
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Please add a pop over in the editor with a rights statement #48

Closed mzeinstra closed 9 years ago

mzeinstra commented 9 years ago

In the editor, in the middle panel on the right side of the save icon I would like to have a popover with the following text (hardcoded):

"By using this tool you agree that all your contributions will be released under CC0 Public Domain Dedication."

mzeinstra commented 9 years ago

You can use this logo: http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.large.png

Other versions are available on https://creativecommons.org/about/downloads

mzeinstra commented 9 years ago

Changed my mind we need this text:

"By using this tool you agree that all your contributions will be released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license."

jeromejesse commented 9 years ago

Ok I added the CC icon with popover