outreachy / website

Code for the Outreachy website, based on Python, Django, and Bootstrap.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add Outreachy Planet to Django site #2

Open sagesharp opened 6 years ago

sagesharp commented 6 years ago

Outreachy already has a planetaria at http://www.planeteria.info/outreach/. However, that has the following issues:

This task has the following dependencies:

sagesharp commented 6 years ago

Daniel Pocock says: "If you get the blog URLs as part of the sign up then you could write a small script to extract them all from the database and generate planet.ini files

Virtual hosting multiple instances of the planet software is quite trivial, I already do this on a Debian host for some RTC planet sites. You just install the planet-venus package and create a different set of directories and a different line in crontab for each instance."