outreachy / website

Code for the Outreachy website, based on Python, Django, and Bootstrap.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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All deadlines should mention 4pm UTC #253

Open sagesharp opened 6 years ago

sagesharp commented 6 years ago

This issue involves some editing of Django HTML template pages. You will need to edit the HTML and then double check that it displays correctly.

This should be a good issue for people who are new to Django. Please don't work on this issue if you are experienced in Django.

There are deadlines listed on several Outreachy website pages:

Some of those deadlines mention that the deadlline time is at 4pm UTC. Others leave off the exact time of the deadline.

In the Django model code, we assume all deadlines occur at 4pm UTC. You can see an example of us checking the deadline for the project submissions:



You shouldn't need to edit the model code for this issue, but I want to explain why we need to explicitly add 4pm UTC to the template. The model code uses DateField rather than a DateTimeField (see this example field). That means most templates display just the date, and not the 4pm UTC time unless we explicitly put it in the template.

Examples of templates that need editing to add 4pm UTC to the date deadlines:

There might be more email templates that need explicit deadlines. You can use git grep "|date" to find additional places where we display dates.

contraexemplo commented 5 years ago

I am volunteering to take care of this issue. Thank you for providing such a rich description and context, @sagesharp!