outreachy / website

Code for the Outreachy website, based on Python, Django, and Bootstrap.
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Warn organizers if a mentor is overloaded with mentees #382

Open sagesharp opened 4 years ago

sagesharp commented 4 years ago

Some Outreachy mentors try to mentor more than one intern. We really try to discourage that, but sometimes we don't notice it in time.

Add a warning to the organizer intern selection dashboard when a mentor is overloaded. The warning should look similar to what we do for an intern selection conflict. We need to take into account that there might be co-mentors who share the load. But those co-mentors could also be overloaded. So some metric needs to be developed.

The warning should also be visible on the community and applicant details pages where intern selections are shown. The warning should be visible to approved coordinators, mentors, and organizers (basically anyone who has permission to view those pages).

I'm on the fence about whether the organizers should be emailed if there's a mentorship conflict. One mentor (or coordinator) typically ends up selecting interns, and then mentors sign up as co-mentors. So there might be a lot of emails to the organizers at a fairly chaotic time. However, it would be good to get an email if a mentor withdraws and then it means the intern won't be supported.

sagesharp commented 4 years ago

There's an additional cornercase to consider: GSoC mentees. Some mentors in the May 2020 round may sign up to mentor both Google Summer of Code interns and Outreachy interns. They often don't know how many mentees they'll have until communities get an email from Google telling them how many GSoC internship slots they've been allocated. We would have to have coordinators update the number of GSoC interns each mentor is assigned to. I don't know if that's possible. Overloaded coordinators are unlikely to update it. Ugh.

djmitche commented 4 years ago

A partial solution is probably adequate here -- I suspect in most cases that the coordinators are aware of these situations, but a flag can help double-check.

I agree that requiring further data entry from coordinators is unlikely to work.