outscale / terraform-provider-outscale

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block_device_mappings tag not working anywhere #443

Closed silex27 closed 2 months ago

silex27 commented 2 months ago


I keep getting not expected key everywhere within block_device_mappings Based on the documentation, tag is available , but i had no luck with it.

https://registry.terraform.io/providers/outscale/outscale/latest/docs/resources/image I use this code to provision my instance and volume and I just want to add tag to created volumes. I tried to put tags inside content / bsu / after bsu block. No luck.

resource "outscale_vm" "instance" {
  for_each = local.vm_map

  image_id     = each.value.image_id
  vm_type      = each.value.vm_type
  keypair_name = "key-admin"
  nics {
    nic_id        = outscale_nic.nic_outscale[each.key].nic_id
    device_number = "0"

dynamic "block_device_mappings" {
  for_each = each.value.volumes
  content {
    device_name = block_device_mappings.value.device_name
    bsu {
      volume_size        = block_device_mappings.value.size
      volume_type        = try(block_device_mappings.value.disk_type, var.default_disk_type)
      delete_on_vm_deletion = true
      iops                = try(block_device_mappings.value.iops, 13000)
outscale-mgo commented 2 months ago

Hello, Thanks for reporting the issue.

If you are trying to add tags like this:

dynamic "block_device_mappings" {
  for_each = each.value.volumes
  content {
    device_name = block_device_mappings.value.device_name
    tags {
      key   = "Name"
      value = "ah"
    bsu {
      volume_size        = block_device_mappings.value.size
      volume_type        = try(block_device_mappings.value.disk_type, var.default_disk_type)
      delete_on_vm_deletion = true
      iops                = try(block_device_mappings.value.iops, 13000)

Then you are not trying to add a tag to a volume, but to the block_device_mappings elements of the Vms. Documented here: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/outscale/outscale/latest/docs/resources/vm#block_device_mappings.

Otherwise, this issue seems hard to reproduce not knowing what is inside local.vm_map, and not knowing how you try to add tags.

Also according to documentation, tags are available inside Images and Vms, but not inside block_device_mappings

silex27 commented 2 months ago

Hello tf var's

  //VM LIST 
  vm_list = flatten([
    for category_key, category in local.categories_list : [
      for vm in category.vms : {
        "category_name" = category.name
        "vm_type"       = category.vm_type
        "image_id"      = try(category.image_id , var.image_id) 
        "vm_details"    = vm
        "volumes"       = category.volumes

  vm_map = { for vm in local.vm_list : vm.vm_details.name => vm }

This is what I use in values :


    vm_type: tinav5.c2r4p1
      - device_name: /dev/sda1
        size: 10

      - name: TEST-UPGRADE-DB-1
        security_groups: []
        state: "running"
          - key: "ENV"
            value: "TEST"
          - key: "APP"
            value: "TEST-UPGRADE-DB"

I tried to add tags in bsu {} and contents {} level and also dynamic "block_device_mappings" {} level. I want to end up with tags on my volumes. Currently I managed to add only to my instances.

instance tags working great :

resource "outscale_vm" "instance" {
  for_each = local.vm_map

  image_id     = each.value.image_id
  vm_type      = each.value.vm_type
  keypair_name = "key-admin"
  nics {
    nic_id        = outscale_nic.nic_outscale[each.key].nic_id
    device_number = "0"

  tags {
    key   = "name"
    value = "${local.prefix}-${each.key}"
outscale-mgo commented 2 months ago

If you try that:

  dynamic "block_device_mappings" {
    for_each = each.value.volumes
    content {
      device_name = "div name"
      bsu {
        volume_size        = block_device_mappings.value.size
        volume_type        = try(block_device_mappings.value.disk_type, var.default_disk_type)
        delete_on_vm_deletion = true
        iops                = try(block_device_mappings.value.iops, 13000)
        tags {
          key   = "Name"
          value = "ja"


So with tags inside bsu does it work ? If not, what errors do you get ? Thanks.

silex27 commented 2 months ago

│ Error: Unsupported block type │ │ on .terraform/modules/outscale_module/main.tf line 61, in resource "outscale_vm" "instance": │ 61: tags { │ │ Blocks of type "tags" are not expected here.

for this :

 dynamic "block_device_mappings" {
    for_each = each.value.volumes
    content {
      device_name = "div name"
      bsu {
        volume_size        = block_device_mappings.value.size
        volume_type        = try(block_device_mappings.value.disk_type, var.default_disk_type)
        delete_on_vm_deletion = true
        iops                = try(block_device_mappings.value.iops, 13000)
        tags {
          key   = "Name"
          value = "ja"

But its the same error always, like there :

dynamic "block_device_mappings" {
  tags {
    key   = "Name"
    value = "ja"}

or like this :

content {    
    device_name = block_device_mappings.value.device_name
    tags {
      key   = "Name"
      value = "ja"
    bsu {
      volume_size        = block_device_mappings.value.size
      volume_type        = try(block_device_mappings.value.disk_type, var.default_disk_type)
      delete_on_vm_deletion = true
      iops                = try(block_device_mappings.value.iops, 13000)
outscale-mgo commented 2 months ago

OK, the tags in bsu block is merged on master branch, but sadly not present on v0. And we don't have a release date yet for a V1. (but should be in the next few months). In the meantime, I guess you can try using a local-exec block and create the tags using osc-cli/oapi-cli/curl Or compiling the plugin yourself. I'm sorry I can't help you further on this issue.

silex27 commented 2 months ago

Understood, thank you, then local-exec is my only way, I was hoping that im just using tags at the wrong place.