1.TexturePose: Supervising Human Mesh Estimation with Texture Consistency(2019)
Texture map (texel): A corresponding UVmap un-warps the template surface onto an image, A, which is the texture map
code: https://seas.upenn.edu/˜pavlakos/projects/texturepose. (can not open)
DenseRaC: Joint 3D Pose and Shape Estimation by Dense Render-and-Compare(2019)
IUV map, render and compare scheme, and MOCA synthetic dataset
code: No
3.Learning 3D Human Shape and Pose from Dense Body Parts(2020)
global/part IUV, Joint-centric RoI Pooling, Part dropout.
partial IUV-->rotation features- (graph convolution)->position features-->refined position features(??)-->refined rotation features
code: https://github.com/HongwenZhang/DaNet-DensePose2SMPL
4.3D Human Mesh Regression with Dense Correspondence(2020)
image-(Correspondence Net)->IUV map-->UV map-(Location Net)->(location map)mesh vertices
code: https://github.com/zengwang430521/DecoMR
5.Object-Occluded Human Shape and Pose Estimation from a Single Color Image(2020)
human shape estimation is formulated as a UV map inpainting problem.
code: No code https://www.yangangwang.com
6.Monocular, One-stage, Regression of Multiple 3D People(ROMP)(2021)
Body Center heatmap( integrates the scale information of the body in the 2D image)+Collision Aware representation
Mesh Parameter map(consists of Camera map and SMPL map): assuming each location of these maps is the center of a human body, then estimate its corresponding 3D body mesh parameters.
Parameter Sampling.
7.Learning to Estimate Robust 3D Human Mesh from In-the-Wild Crowded Scenes(2022)
2D heatmap( crowded scene-robust image feature), 3D heatmap(joint-based regressor), and joint GCN(??) instead of CNN.
8.MotionBERT: A Unified Perspective on Learning Human Motion Representations https://github.com/jr-tagawalab-nttcom/paper-survey/issues/221
a pretraining+task-specific finetune framework.
(RoI)Spatial transformer networks
(graph convolution)Semi-supervised classification with graph convolutional networks
image inpainting related
related: Putting People in their Place: Monocular Regression of 3D People in Depth(BEV)/2022
TRACE: 5D Temporal Regression of Avatars with Dynamic Cameras in 3D Environments(TRACE)/2023
joint specific graph convolution: A comprehensive study of weight sharing in graph networks for 3D human pose estimation.
1.TexturePose: Supervising Human Mesh Estimation with Texture Consistency(2019) Texture map (texel): A corresponding UVmap un-warps the template surface onto an image, A, which is the texture map code: https://seas.upenn.edu/˜pavlakos/projects/texturepose. (can not open)